Capítulo Diecisiete

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This is your unnecessary reminder that Mallory and her sisters went to an all girls boarding school, but Mallory got expelled and sent to a public school when she was in year 10 then expelled from that and moved to a different one when she was in year 11 🙏

Short chapter because my mind has been focussed on August and Gracie currently


September, 2019

Mallory and Taylor had been eagerly waiting for their third anniversary. It was a special milestone for them, symbolizing the growth and strength of their relationship. Mallory had a surprise in store for Taylor. She had planned a romantic getaway to her cottage nestled in the breathtakingly beautiful Lake District.

As the day arrived, they packed their bags, filled with excitement and anticipation. The drive to the Lake District was enchanting, with rolling hills, meandering rivers, and lush greenery stretching as far as the eye could see. Mallory couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she watched the picturesque landscape pass by.

Upon reaching the cottage, Mallory's heart swelled with nostalgia. The charming stone cottage stood tall amidst a landscape painted with colourful wildflowers. Memories from the last time they were there came flooding back, as they had spent countless afternoons exploring these lands with each other. Now, she was thrilled to share this special place with Taylor once more.

The couple settled into the cosy cottage, which emanated warmth and comfort. Mallory had prepared a delicious meal for their first night, and they sat by the crackling fire, cats running wild, savouring the flavours and relishing in each other's company. They laughed, reminiscing about their early days together and their dreams for the future.

The next morning, the couple woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves. Mallory suggested they embark on a hike to one of her favourite spots- a secluded lake surrounded by the Windermere mountains. The idea thrilled Taylor, as she had been admiring the mountains from afar.

They packed a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of wine. Setting off hand in hand, they followed a winding trail that led them deeper into the heart of the Lake District. Along the way, they encountered breathtaking vistas, babbling brooks, and fragrant meadows. Every step was an opportunity for them to connect with nature and with each other.

Finally, they reached their destination- a serene lake shimmering under the bright sun. The water reflected the surrounding mountains, creating a mirror-like effect that was nothing short of magical. Mallory and Taylor found a cosy spot on the lake's edge, spreading out a blanket and enjoying the serenity of the moment.

As they sat there, Mallory and Taylor talked about their dreams and aspirations, sharing their deepest desires. They opened up about their fears and vulnerabilities, knowing that their love and support for each other would carry them through any challenges they may face.

"The mountains are pretty," Taylor commented. Mallory nodded in agreement. "They look like they'd be a perfect place to cry."

"I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high over vales and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils; beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze," Mallory mumbled under her breath.

Taylor grinned. "Wordsworth, huh?"

"One of the greatest. Buried not far from here. You can see Dove Cottage from the top of the peaks," Mallory said with a laugh.

Time seemed to stand still as they basked in the beauty of the Lake District and the depth of their connection. They laughed, they cried, and they held each other tight, cherishing the love that had grown between them over the years. Mallory couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for the incredible person sitting beside her, who had become not only her partner but also her best friend.

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