Chapter Four

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TW: cheating, Dress, also End Game, unhealthy habits, Mallory has some issues that we'll divulge later.


July 4-5, 2016

"This house is fucking huge," Mallory gasped, stepping out of Taylor's car. It was worth about seventeen hundred times more than her apartment, and was probably seventeen hundred times bigger, too.

Taylor chuckled, asking Mark to grab Mallory's bags, "Yeah. It cost 17 million dollars." She joked.

"You're having a laugh," Mallory shook her head is disbelief, mouth dropping as Taylor shook her head, "Bloody hell."

The blonde led her to the house and began the tour. It didn't take long for them to bump into Tom. He had a wide smile and held out his hand in greeting.

"It's great to see you again, Mallory," He gave her a firm handshake.

"You, too, Mate," She patted the back of his hand before the limbs dropped to their sides. "Hey, I watched that film that you were in."

Tom rose an eyebrow, glancing at Taylor who just shrugged, "Oh? Which one?"

Mallory waved her hand about, "Oh, you know. The one where you have the hair." She pointed.

Taylor cracked a smile at Mallory trying to act out the movie.

"And you go, 'brother!' And try to kill that Australian geezer, you know? And Scarlett Johansson is ginger and Russian," She continued.

Truth beknown, Tom had already figured out that she meant The Avengers, but was quite amused at her cluelessness. Plus, she was making Taylor smile so hard that the blonde had to bite her lip to stop her face from splitting in two.

"Oh! You mean The Avengers!" Tom said after a little while longer. Mallory nodded with a bright smile that read, 'that's the one!' "Hey, if we don't see each other between now and August, good luck at the Olympics!"

Mallory blushed, "Oh, thank you," She scratched her cheek.

Taylor noted how talking about running made Mallory shy quickly.

"I was just showing her to her room before everyone gets here," Taylor spoke up, meeting eyes with Tom.

He nodded and went to kiss Taylor. The blonde turned her head and his lips met her cheek. She said nothing, grabbing Mallory's hand and pulling her up.

They walked for a while before Taylor got to a door. It looked the exact same as the others in the house, "This is where you'll be sleeping until the whenever you decide to go home. The gym is three doors down so you don't have to go outside for a run, but you can of course. You're not being held prisoner or anything. Ha! Can you imagine?" Taylor rambled.

"Tay," Mallory said softly, "It's perfect, thank you." She then grinned, "I might just have to stay here."

"Hm. I don't think you could afford the rent," Taylor joked along, smiling when Mallory chuckled.

"Sorry that not all of us can be worth three hundred and seven million dollars," Mallory rolled her eyes, "I'm only worth a million dollars."

"Dude, that's still, like, a lot." Taylor said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I mean, that happens when you win so many gold medals at the Olympics between the ages of fifteen and twenty two," Mallory bragged.

Taylor's jaw dropped, "You won a gold medal at fifteen?!" She asked.

"Yeah..." Mallory nodded, "two thousand eight, great year. Fearless by Taylor Swift came out a couple months later," she joked.

"Did it now?" Taylor hummed, leaning against the door frame, "and did you sing Breathe for your church talent show that year?"

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