Chapter Ten

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And what if I told you there were 13 chapters left of this

Anyway I got the deluxe 1989 cd in pink ‼️ I'm so happy


April, 2021

Taylor was in New York, and Mallory was in London. To say they were missing each other was an understatement. Mallory had flown down to London almost immediately after their anniversary since her best friend's due date was rapidly approaching. Soraya was being a pain, but she was also in immense pain herself, so Mallory cut her some slack.

Joe was currently putting the car seat in the car and Mallory was going through the hospital bag once more, checking off everything on the list. By now, said list had five ticks next to everything. Her mind was running a million miles an hour as she zipped it up and brought it downstairs and put it in the boot of the car.

She and Joe walked back inside the house together. Joe looked like a mess. Mallory thought it was funny, but didn't say anything as they went to the living room, seeing Soraya supporting a sour cherry tea. Her feet were propped up on a cushion on a footstool and Dexter's Laboratory was playing on the tv.

Mallory didn't quite remember when it happened, but she remembered hearing Soraya whispering Joe's name and then screaming it. She remembers helping Soraya into the car and following behind them in her own car. She remembers waiting in the car park on FaceTime to Joe because of the pandemic rules.

After that, it was all blurry and her head hurt from crying so hard. The cries of a healthy baby girl were like music to their ears and while Mallory was sad that she wasn't there to hold her friends' hands, she understood that it was the safest bet for everyone involved.

When it was clear that they were safe, Mallory drove back to her house and collapsed face-first onto the sofa. Her phone rang and she looked at the caller ID, sighing softly and answering it.

"Hi, Auggie, what's up?" She asked, yawning.

"Have you listened to it?" August asked excitedly.

Mallory was confused. "Listened to what?"

August paused like she couldn't believe Mallory's question. "Taylor didn't get her masters stolen for you, her wife, to say 'listened to what?'"

The brunette blinked and wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "I haven't had the time," Mallory said. "Soraya's water broke, like, an hour before it was released."

"Oh," August had forgotten that she was pregnant. "Is she okay?"

"Mhm," Mallory yawned. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight, Augg-"

"Wait!" August exclaimed. "How...How would you know that someone was falling out of love with you?" She asked quietly.

"I don't... I don't know. Has Gracie done something?"

"No," August said truthfully. "I don't know why I want to know that. Goodnight, Lory."

"Night, August," Mallory hummed and hung up the phone.

Mallory threw her phone haphazardly on the coffee table and adjusted how she was lying until she was comfortable. She fell asleep almost instantly, snoring softly due to the way her head was propped up.

When she woke up, her stomach felt like it was fighting a thousand wars at the same time. She teared up because it hurt to move and the bathroom was on the other side of the house. Groaning, Mallory forced herself up, checking to see if anything had leaked through. Thankfully, it had not.

She rushed up to her bedroom and stripped herself of her clothes, immediately getting into the shower. She sighed when the water hit her skin and cleaned herself. When the shower was done, Mallory got dressed and fell back onto her bed, curling into Taylor's pillow.

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