Chapter Fifteen

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Fyi, Lexie and the fish are still in Rhode Island with Mark (the bodyguard) and Rick is on a break per Taylor's request. Meredith and Olivia are in Nashville. No pets get mentioned in this chapter tho, not even Kitty ☹️


November, 2016

"Taylor, have you seen my phone?" Mallory called out. All bags were packed and the were now just waiting for the car to roll around.

"No!" The blonde called back, "When was the last time you saw it?"

Mallory thought back, "When we baked cinnamon rolls. Oh, my god!" She exclaimed, rushing to the kitchen.

"That was, like, a week ago." Taylor frowned, adjusting the sunglasses on her head.

Mallory groaned loudly when her phone screen showed that it was dead before taking a power bank out of her bag. She immediately plugged it in. Mallory nervously tapped against her arm as they entered the car.

Taylor grabbed Mallory's hand and squeezed it three times in comfort, "You okay?" She whispered.

Mallory bit her lip, "I think we accidentally made a sex tape."

Taylor snorted unattractively, but Mallory just looked at her blankly, "Oh, you're being serious. How? When, why?"

The brunette gave her girlfriend a sheepish look, "When we were baking the cinnamon rolls, i set up my phone to record it, then you- and we... on the counter right in front of it."

"Elodie Mallory Williams-"


"You better delete that video right now," Taylor glared at her.

The brunette sighed, "My phone won't charge. I'm trying."

Taylor rolled her eyes and looked away. Mallory knew that Taylor wasn't mad per se, but definitely a little bit frustrated. When Mallory's phone finally did charge, the brunette edited the scene out and deleted it from her camera roll, and her recently deleted.

Upon boarding the plane, the couple split up. Taylor went to the enclosed space at the back to give Mallory some space whilst she was on call with Dr. Burns. The two spoke about how Mallory had been the past week and the therapist gave Mallory a piece of homework.

They spoke about how Mallory had bought a house in London as well as a new house in New York and what that meant for her. Mallory brought up how she was planning on spending the holidays with Valentine so Taylor could spend it with her family. How Betty's boyfriend was trying to convince her sister to disown her.

When the hour was up, Mallory sighed and looked upwards before standing to her feet. She trudged you the back of the plane and knocked on the door before Taylor invited her in. She could feel that something bad was going to happen and hated it.

"You okay?" Taylor asked at the distant look on Mallory's face.

"Are you sure I should come?" The brunette asked, "I mean, I know that Andrea invited me, but- but what about your dad? Does he like me? Does he know about us? I don't have great luck with dads."

Taylor chuckled and shook her head, "He likes you. And better, he respects you. I mean, the fact that you're an Olympic gold medalist. But he doesn't know about us. My mom and Austin do, I just haven't figured out a way to tell him yet."

Mallory nodded, mind easing a little bit before closing her eyes, "You know I love you, right?"

"I have a vague idea," Taylor nodded, "I love you, too, Mallory Williams."

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