Capítulo Dieciocho

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Guys prom was so good I can't lie. But my head is killing me, I'm never drinking again. Also I got a few pictures with my crush and she said I was the best dressed 🫣🫣 anyway, I don't recommend dancing for three and a half hours straight <3


December, 2019

"Someone broke into our house," Mallory murmured as she read the alert from her phone.

Taylor faltered, suddenly uneasy as she looked away from Benjamin. "Which one?" She forced out.

"The one in LA."

"Oh," Taylor relaxed slightly. At least they still had their safe havens. "I'm sorry."

Mallory smiled and gave her a side hug. "It's not your fault, Tay."

The blonde just scoffed and looked back down at Benjamin.

"Come on, Blondie, we've gotta hit the road."

Taylor nodded and put Benjamin into his carrier, lifting him up. He mewled hopelessly as he was carried to the car. Mallory picked up Meredith's carrier and as they were the last two, they locked the doors behind them. Mallory watched as Taylor double then triple-checked the lock before walking into the driver's side.

"You sure you don't want me to take the wheel?"

"Mhm. You're a shit driver."

They had been eagerly planning their road trip from New York to Nashville for a while now. It was a special occasion- the celebration of Taylor's 30th birthday. December twelfth had arrived, and they were ready to set off to create even more memories.

With the car packed full of warm clothes, snacks, cats, and their favourite road trip playlist, Mallory and Taylor set off on the chilly winter morning. The road ahead stretched like a ribbon through picturesque landscapes adorned with a powdery snow blanket. The younger of the two had her camera out and was taking photos of the blonde, who was grinning, their excitement palpable as they shared dreams and aspirations for the trip.

Taylor turned to Mallory, a happy smile playing on her lips. "Can you believe we're finally doing this? A road trip to Nashville for my birthday! Thirteen whole hours."

Mallory squeezed Taylor's hand and replied, "I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate your special day, Tay. This trip is going to be amazing, filled with adventure and love and cats."

As if on command, their cats meowed loudly, making Taylor chuckle. "You rehearse that?"

As they crossed state lines, the scenery transformed from snow-covered landscapes to charming small towns that exuded holiday cheer. Twinkling lights adorned buildings, and storefronts displayed festive decorations. Mallory and Taylor couldn't resist stopping at each town, immersing themselves in the magic of the season. They savoured hot cocoa, indulged in freshly baked cookies, and danced under the glow of the town's Christmas tree.

With a wide grin, Taylor turned to Mallory and said, "These small towns are like winter wonderlands, Mallory. It's like stepping into a Hallmark movie!"

Mallory nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, Taylor! Now say cheese for our scrapbook."

As night fell, Mallory and Taylor continued their journey, their hearts filled with joy and anticipation. Along the way, they marvelled at the shimmering stars that seemed to guide their path, and they couldn't help but make wishes for the future.

Mallory, gazing at the starry sky, turned to Taylor and whispered, "Do you see that shooting star, Taylor? I'm making a wish for our love to grow stronger with each passing day."

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