Chapitre Quatre

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November, 2017

Mallory rubbed the sleep out of her eye and she trudged down to the. The doorbell rang for the third time that morning and she was ready to bite the ear of whoever was outside off.

She yanked the door open with a glare before frowning in confusion, "Morning," She murmured.

"Good morning," Taylor gave a nervous smile, fiddling with the guitar case in her hand, "May I come in?"

"Uh- sure?" The brunette moved out of the way and Taylor walked in swiftly. She took off her shoes and pulled some slippers out and put them on instead, making herself at home. Mallory bit her lip and looked out the door, "Hi, Markie."

"Ms Williams," Mark nodded curtly.

Mallory have a tight-lipped smile and shut the door because she knew he wouldn't come in even if she begged. She walked further into the house to see that Taylor had set up her laptop and was tuning her guitar.

'Make yourself at home, I guess,' Mallory thought because she knew that Taylor knew that she wouldn't want her to leave if she did so.

"Why the impromptu arrival?" Mallory asked, leaning against the doorframe of the room, "Actually, I don't care. Would you like some wine?"

Taylor didn't mention that it was seven am and just nodded thankfully. When Mallory returned with two glasses of wine and a bottle safely tucked under her arm, Taylor took one and supper the beverage. She looked at the guitar that was in her lap and took a deep breath, "I should probably explain myself."

"Hm," Mallory mumbled, not at all amused.

Taylor ignored it though. She hadn't yet asked for the blonde to leave, so they were good, right? "You called me the other day on what would've been our thirteen-month anniversary if I hadn't... Anyway, what matters is that you called and I came and we're going to talk like civilised adults and I'm going to play you every song on my album because you're the only person whose opinion I actually care about."

Mallory took in a deep breath, sipping her wine to prevent herself from saying anything harsh or rash. Taylor smiled victoriously and turned to her laptop, plugging in a USB drive. A file named, 'For Taylor Swift's Eyes Only. Stay Away THIEVES!' came up and Mallory chuckled as fifteen sound files came up after.

Taylor bit her lip, "I'm not gonna push my luck or overstay my welcome by explaining every single song like I had planned, so," With that, she pressed play on the first song that was titled '...Ready For It?'

When the song ended, Taylor looked up to see Mallory with her mouth agape. The blonde winced, assuming that Mallory didn't like it and went to apologise before, "Fuck," Mallory choked out, "Fuck you, I was not ready for it."

"You liked it?" Taylor grinned.

"Of course I liked it, you're a genius, even when admitting to having wet dreams about me," Mallory gave a cheeky grin that made Taylor blush. With the friendly banter they shared, Taylor would've assumed that they were still dating, but she had to refrain from kissing the cocky smile off Mallory's lips because the harsh reality was that Taylor's efforts would inevitably end up being futile. "How many of these mention or allude to our sex life?"

"Like 3? Including that one," Taylor shook her head to rid herself of all thoughts of Mallory in compromising positions, "This one is called End Game."

Mallory smiled widely at Taylor's blush and watched as she forgot herself and began explaining each song in great detail before playing them. She liked the meanings behind each one and how Taylor perceived their relationship. Most of all, she liked how Taylor also felt the spark when they first touched. How Taylor felt just as electrified by Mallory as Mallory did the former.

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