Chapter Three

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Howdy y'all 🤠

So Elias won... but I'm still kind of leaning towards Pelias Eleter Swift-Williams


May, 2020

- Taylor Swift likes the post of a new musical duo that formed just one month before the release of Lover named William Bowery.

Mallory stood in the bathroom, a razor in one hand and a look of intense concentration on her face. She carefully manoeuvred the blade along her legs, gracefully gliding it over her skin, as if she had done this a thousand times before. The sound of running water filled the room, blending with Mallory's soft humming.

As she continued shaving, Mallory found herself unconsciously mumbling lyrics to the chorus of a nonexistent song. The melody danced in her mind, weaving its way through her thoughts, and soon she couldn't help but let the words escape her lips.

"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?" she murmured, her voice barely audible. "Would you tell me to go fuck myself or lead me to the garden?"

Just as the words formed on her tongue, the bathroom door creaked open, and Taylor walked in. She leaned against the doorframe, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"You know I do this professionally, right?" Taylor teased, her voice filled with affectionate amusement. "If you need some help with those lyrics, I'm right here."

Mallory's cheeks flushed, caught off guard by Taylor's presence. She chuckled softly, the sound like a gentle breeze floating through the air. "Well, I just can't resist the inspiration that strikes me in the bathroom, Taylor," she replied, her voice laced with playful sincerity.

Taylor stepped closer, her eyes sparkling with adoration. "Inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. Trust me, I know," she said, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair behind Mallory's ear. "You always surprise me with your creativity, love."

Mallory thought back to all the times Taylor had woken her up to record a voice memo.

A mischievous glint danced in Mallory's eyes as she turned off the faucet and wiped her legs dry with a towel. "Speaking of creativity, what do you think about the chorus I came up with? Can we work around it?"

Taylor grinned, her excitement palpable. "Of course! I'd love to see what we can create together. Sing it for me again."

Mallory took a deep breath, feeling a blend of nervousness and excitement. With Taylor standing by her side, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. She cleared her throat and sang, her voice resonating with warmth and tenderness.

"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?" she murmured, her voice barely audible. "Would you tell me to go fuck myself or lead me to the garden?"

Taylor's face lit up, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I like that it's kind of like an apology," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "We can definitely build something around those lyrics."

Mallory hummed. "I was thinking, like, from the perspective of a dumb teenager that refuses to accept that they're wrong. You know what I mean? Like, they never say sorry, but they're trying to get their partner back."

Match Maker | T. Swift x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora