Chapitre Huit

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1 exam down, 21 more to go 🫡


January, 2018


Hurt was all Taylor felt as dropped the promise ring into the water of the hot tub. Her hands fell to her sides as she held back her heartbreak. Had she expected rejection? Yes. A harsh 'no', maybe, but just unapologetically leaving without so much as a glance in her direction. The blonde had watched her leave abruptly, not even bothering to grab her towel so the floors dripped with Mallory's abandonment.

It took a while, but Taylor eventually stood up and left the tub. She wrapped a towel around her waist and begrudgingly walked out of the room. Mallory wasn't there, in her bedroom, so Taylor just got changed. Had the chlorine gotten to her heart? What was the burning in her chest...?

She didn't know it, but a sob had ripped through her lips. The cries continued and she suddenly had the urge to destroy everything that belonged to Mallory in sight. Her bedframe, her photos, her lampshade. Red was all the blonde could see, burning red. Maybe it was the blood from her heart that Mallory had torn to shreds. Was she crazy? Maybe a little bit. Did Mallory deserve it? Maybe a little bit.

"Tay- Hey!" Mallory flinched when her nightlight hit her forehead harshly. Taylor had taken it and thrown it had the door as she opened it. Her hand flew up to it and she sucked in a pained breath.

Taylor gasped in shock and covered her mouth guiltily, "Mal, I'm-"

"I'm sorry," The brunette cut her off quickly, trying to hide the pain she felt as she looked at- through- Taylor stiffly. She hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out if the person opposite her was going to try and hurt her again, before eventually crouching down. Mallory ignored the ache in her head and the blood on her hand as she began picking up the pieces of her nightlight.

"I'm sorry," Taylor whimpered out as she crouched down.

The brunette flinched, but otherwise stayed still, "Do we-" Her voice sounded like a broken child's, "Do we have any super glue?"

"I don't know," Taylor whispered, "Mal, we have to get you to a hospital."

The brunette flinched once more, this time at the name, and recoiled from Taylor's hands. She looked up at the blonde and sniffled, "I need to fix it."

"You could be concussed-"

"I need to," Mallory repeated, "My nana gave me it."

Taylor's heart broke all over again, "Mallory, I'm so sorry."

Mallory looked down as a drop of blood landed on the plastic, "Fuck," She whispered.

"Mallory," Taylor said, "I'm going to call an ambulance, okay?"

When the call the 999 ended, The brunette looked up at Taylor, jaw clenching, "Why were you trashing my room?"

Without thinking, the blonde said, "Why did you leave?"

"I said I was coming back!" Mallory defended, although the more she thought about it, the more blurry the memory was. Maybe she was concussed.

"You didn't," Taylor looked down, not being able to look at Mallory as blood poured out from a hole in her forehead and down her face, making pieces of hair stick to it.

The brunette let out a breath, "So you destroy my stuff?"

"I wasn't thinking."

"When do you ever?" Mallory looked down also, dropping the pieces of plastic. She caught sight of a small wooden box, the one that she had left to get, and guessed Taylor saw it too because she gasped. Mallory grabbed it and shoved it in her pocket before Taylor could reach out to it and sighed, "I think we should break up."

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