Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: question, do you want Auggie to end up with Sawyer or should they break up? If they do would you like to see August date someone else? i.e. Benjamin Wadsworth / Gracie Abrams / Milly Alcock? (I have thoughts, but I want your opinions)

A/N2: @/kianadaliave on tiktok is kinda what I imagine Mallory looks like, but idk


December, 2016

"Merry Christmas," James greeted, opening the curtains to Mallory's temporary bedroom. It was noon and Mallory had been in bed for over a week. James was both disappointed and annoyed.

The bright light made the brunette groan and shrink back into her bed, covering her head with the bedsheets.

"Your girlfriend's been trying to get ahold of you." James stated, leaning against the doorframe.

"Tell 'er m'dead," Mallory mumbled, spitting out the hair that had slipped into her mouth. Oh, God. How she wished to be bald again.

James sighed. "Did you even get her a present?"

Mallory scoffed, "Of course I got her a present. I'm depressed, not a monster."

The older of the two said nothing else before leaving the room. The brunette rolled her eyes before drifting back to sleep. The next time she was awoken it was because of laughter and loud music. Then it hit her, it was Christmas and she wasn't supposed to be there.

Mallory bit her lip, shuffling over to the window and looked out of it. She looked back at the door before groaning and opening the window. With a sigh, Mallory crawled out and jumped, landing on her feet like a cat. Her eyes widened upon meeting eyes with Inez, who looked just as shocked before turning to her husband to see if he had seen that too.

He didn't, and Mallory was gone when she looked back.

The brunette didn't get far before a very pregnant Inez stumbled out of the door, a glass of shloer in her hand. "You shouldn't run when pregnant," The younger pointed out.

"You shouldn't run when high, but I never called you out on that," Inez spat back with a glare.

"He told you?"

"Of course he told me, I'm your big sister." Inez said with wild eyes, "That's what you're worried about?"

Mallory scoffed, "What else would I be worried about? You know so it's only a matter of time before the whole world knows, too, Inez!"

The redhead was taken aback by her sister's words and faltered, "Why would I tell anyone that?"

"Oh, I don't know," Mallory shrugged, "Why would you tell Natalie that I cheated on her?"

'Get over it! It was five years ago,' Inez wanted to yell.

"Because as far as I was concerned, you did! If you were hurting my friend, I had the right to tell her." Inez's glare matched Mallory's.

The brunette scoffed and turned towards her car. "Merry fucking Christmas, Inez," Mallory rolled her eyes and forced the car door open before driving off. She got home and slammed the door shut, rushing to the bathtub, where she curled into a ball.

When her phone rang, she fought everything in her body that told her to throw it into the toilet to stop it from annoying her and just let it ring. When it stopped, she thought she was safe until it went off again. Mallory clenched her jaw before angrily answering the call.

"Hi!" Taylor's chirpy voice came through the speaker. Despite the fact that Mallory had been admittedly ignoring her, she still stayed optimistic. There was no way that the same Mallory who had vowed to marry her, write an album with her, and give her a child would do anything to hurt her. ...Right?

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