Chapter One

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Just a reminder that this book is purely fictional and poorly written to fill the hole in my heart <3. It will have sensitive subjects, such as cheating, domestic violence, eating disorders, mental health issues, homophobia, and more. But, anyway, enjoy.


May 20, May 21, 2016

Mallory's father hated her.

He hated that she was gay, how she acted, how her hair never went past her shoulders. So, after moving out of their home in London, two years ago, Mallory began openly expressing her 'gayness'. Now, she was recording herself, laughing at her best friend as he looked at the electric razor in horror.

"Are you sure?" He asked, anxiously, "I love your hair," It was a simple haircut that barely grazed her shoulders, styled into being half up, half down.

"Val, if you don't make me bald right now, I will do it myself, and fuck it up, but also shave off your ballsack," Mallory said calmly, looking at him through the mirror.

He grimaced, "I don't have a ballsack."

Mallory rolled her eyes.

Valentine sighed, turning it on. He took a deep breath, dragging it in a stripe down her head. Mallory smiled at the sight above her, staying silent. Once done, Mallory brushed herself off, standing and hugging him. Best friend/hairdresser ever.

The recording had stopped and she smiled into his neck, "Thank you so so much," she whispered.

"It's no problem-"

There was a crash and Mallory jumped up to check on her cat. Lexie looked at her innocently, an old vase smashed on the floor, carnations that Mal had thought were roses lying in water.

"God, Lex- No!" Mallory screeched, rushing to the front door in time to see her cat running down the street.

She couldn't believe that this was how she was spending her Friday morning.

Mallory chased her Scottish fold down the street. To anyone she would look like a psychopath, that was trying to cat-nap and failing terribly at it. But that wasn't the case. The cat, Lexie, had quite literally jumped out of Mallory's kitchen window, and begun to sprint for it.

Lexie would not last a day in the real world, cat or not.

"Whoa- hey!" There was a scream and Mallory collapsed onto someone with a huff.

Lexie strutted onto the person, looking, smirking, at Mallory.

"I'm so sorry!" Mallory exclaimed, picking up the cat, "Bad, Lex," She cursed, helping up the person to their feet, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," They cleared their throat awkwardly, holding their hand up.

Mallory looked over her shoulder at a six-foot-something man dressed head to toe in black. She was terrified of him already. Wait, was this person a celebrity? They looked vaguely familiar, but Mallory just couldn't put her finger on it.

"I-I promise I'm not always this clumsy when meeting new people," Mallory went to drag her hand through her hair, only to remember that she had shaved it all off literally minutes ago, in an act of retaliation against her father. She blushed in embarrassment and dropped her hand.

"That's okay," The woman hummed, "She's cute," she pointed at the cat that was thrashing around in Mallory's arms.

"Thanks. I don't- she just jumped out of the window, I've chased her down, like, three streets. A police guy tried to fine me for jaywalking! What even is this place?" She breathed out a laugh.

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