Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the long wait, guys. I've had no motivation to write for this story idk
As always, wherever a new chapter goes, spelling mistakes follow.


November, 2016

"You know, I feel like I don't even know you anymore," Mallory admitted, walking with her sister. The two of them were well aware of the paparazzi following them, but neither acted upon their lack of privacy.

August shrugged nonchalantly. She feared if she opened her mouth, she'd say something that she would inevitably end up regretting.

Mallory sighed at August's lack of participation in the conversation. The younger of the two was admittedly annoyed with her sister. She didn't know her because she left. Now she was back, playing the paladin that she loved to be. Swooping in last minute before August could get severely hurt.

The latter said nothing, continuing through the mall. Yes, August should be thankful that Mallory did swoop in when she did, otherwise she'd be in an orphanage right now, not roaming around in Atlanta, wasting time whilst waiting for the script read-through to take place.

"Did i do something?" Mallory hid her frown.

"No, i wish. The problem is that you didn't do something," August murmured as they hid in a coffee shop, successfully avoiding the paps.

Mallory deflated, "August, you know that I tried," she frowned. She really had tried her best. Her best truthfully landing her in hospital for a couple weeks with a broken rib and collapsed lung.

"Oh, really?" August sneered, "You just gave up. For God's sake, you disappeared for a month then came back to tell me that you were leaving for good."

Mallory bit her cheek and clenched her fist shut, digging her nails into her palms. August gave her a look that screamed, 'I dare you to argue with me. You know I'm right.'

The older let her body relax slightly, but her nails still tore the skin of her palm open.

The two looked away from each other when Mallory's phone started ringing. She was more than thankful that her other sister had called her, getting her out of almost yelling at the sixteen year old.

"Betty?" Mallory asked in concern, answering the phone. August, too, relaxed.

"Are you with August?" Elizabeth asked. Mallory could hear the shake in her voice and hummed. "I'm pregnant," She whispered.

Mallory froze, "What?"

Three years later. Three years later, the omnibelevolent man on the cloud let Betty get pregnant again.

"I know. A-and I'm telling you because Matt- he-" Betty sniffled, "He doesn't want you to..."

"I understand," Mallory said before she could finish. Her voice was almost robotic, void of emotion. Guilt riddled her insides as she barely glanced at August, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

She knew the words Elizabeth wanted to say next. Matt doesn't want you to be on the same continent as me for twenty eight weeks- hell, probably until the foetus is five years old because of what you did when you were nineteen.

"No Christmas for me then, huh?" Mallory tried to joke.

"I'm sorry, Lory," Betty apologised.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry." Mallory sighed, "I'll see you in four months then?"

Betty sniffled again.

"Love you, Betty. Happy birthday." The brunette whispered, not waiting for a response before ending the call.

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