Chapter Fourteen

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🏃 <- Me running away after stealing songs from Gracie Abrams for Mallory (songs including Two People, Alright, and Better)

Guys do you think I have enough time to make New Romantics TV my top song on Spotify before Spotify wrapped comes out on the 31st


September, 2021

"What do you think?" Mallory asked into the phone as she spun around in her office chair.

Joe had just listened to the demo of the three songs that Mallory had sent through. Two people, Alright, and Better. He sighed. "I think... I think you need to get better at speaking to your wife," He admitted. "But yes, they're good songs. We can work on them in a little while, okay?"

Mallory smiled and thanked her friend. "How's Sara?"

"Loud," Joe shrugged. "Hungry. Just exactly like you'd expect from a baby."

There was a cry over the line and Mallory winced. "I'll let you get back to parenting then. See you soon, Joe."

"See ya."

Mallory stood in front of the mirror, her hands trembling as she adjusted the collar of her shirt. Today was the day they had been waiting for - the first session of couples counselling. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, but her heart continued to race.

Taylor entered the room, a warm smile on her face. She walked up to Mallory and gently took her hands in her own. "Hey," she said softly, her voice full of reassurance. "We've got this. We're in this together, remember?"

Mallory looked into Taylor's eyes, finding comfort in the depths of her gaze. She nodded, her grip on Taylor's hands tightening slightly. "I know," she replied, her voice quivering. "I just... I'm nervous, Tay."

Taylor's smile widened, and she leaned in to place a soft kiss on Mallory's forehead. "It's okay to be nervous, Mal. This is a big step for both of us, but it's a step toward making our relationship even stronger."

Taking a deep breath, Mallory nodded again, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. "You're right," she admitted, her voice steadier now. "I just want us to be better, to communicate better."

"We will," Taylor said firmly, her thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of Mallory's hand. "And remember, it's not just about fixing what's broken. It's about learning and growing together."

Mallory offered a small smile, feeling a bit more at ease. Taylor's presence always had a way of soothing her worries. "Thank you for being so understanding, Tay."

Taylor leaned in and pressed a lingering kiss to Mallory's lips. "Always, love. Now, shall we head out?"

Mallory nodded, feeling a renewed determination as she intertwined her fingers with Taylor's. Together, they walked out of the house, the weight of their worries slowly lifting as they started on this journey to couples counselling.

During the car ride, Taylor kept her hand firmly clasped with Mallory's. She periodically gave Mallory's hand a reassuring squeeze, silently letting her know that she was there, every step of the way. Mallory found herself taking comfort in the simple gesture, feeling a sense of unity and support that she had never doubted.

As they entered the counselling office, Mallory's nerves returned in full force. But Taylor's unwavering presence by her side was a source of strength. They sat down in the waiting room, Mallory's leg bouncing with nervous energy.

Taylor reached over and placed her hand on Mallory's knee, her touch grounding and soothing. "We're here because we want to work on our relationship," she said softly. "And that's a brave and beautiful thing."

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