Chapter Twenty-Two

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This chapter is so Come Back...Be Here coded ❤️


March, 2017

Mallory's chest hurt like a bitch. She staggered to a stop, leaning against a tree and breathed heavily, trying to dull the pain as tears gathered in her eyes. She rubbed her chest and looked down at her watch, cursing slightly. She had been running for the better half of the day, having left the house at six am and the current time bordering onto half seven in the evening.

Mallory squinted, looking up to the sky as she tried to regulate her breathing once more, deciding to try and ignore the pain before she jogged to the nearest corner shop. She bought a bottle of water and went back to the park, sitting on the bench.

The brunette contemplated calling Taylor, but she was probably in some meeting either discussing the process behind the album that Taylor wanted to release or finding her a new boyfriend. Or Mallory assumed she was considering she wasn't answering any of her texts.

"Hey, what's up?" The voice on the other end of the line chirped. Mallory smiled.

"Do you want to have a game night?" Mallory asked without greetings.

"Uh, sure. Who else is coming?"

The brunette coughed awkwardly, but having thought that far ahead, "Probably Soraya, Joe, Nat, and Mason?"

Lilith chuckled and hummed, "Want me to ask Mace and Nat? I'm guessing this was completely spontaneous."

"It was," Mallory admitted, "Please make sure to bring lots of alcohol. I'll order pizza?"

"Oh, for sure," Lili grinned, "Free pizza? Instant yes. I'll see you soon?"

"You will," Mallory confirmed, standing from the bench, "I gotta go, bye."


The brunette made her way home by taxi and set up the front room. She ordered the food from Pizza Express with an excessive amount of doughballs (but those were the best part), which would arrive at a similar time to her friends, and freshened up.

Her friends were there not long after she changed and the pizza was there not long after them. They started with a few games of Perudo then an excessively long game of Monopoly followed by Cluedo. In the end, they all ended up on the couch, watching Casualty drunk off their ass.

Mallory kept on checking her phone, hoping no one caught her, but someone did.

"Still not answering?" Lili asked quietly, but everyone was too engrossed in the drama on the screen to care for their conversation.

"Nope," Mallory sighed, shooting Taylor one more text.

Mal 💘: I loveeeeee youuuuuu. I miss you 2!

The brunette shrank a little when Taylor didn't respond in half an hour, but shook it off, "Are you guys staying the night?"

"Uh, yeah," Soraya coughed awkwardly.

"Okay, then we need to sort out sleeping arrangements because there are only three rooms and there are six of us."

"We'll double up," Lilith said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, no shit. But how?"

"Soraya and Joe, Mason and I, You and Nat," Soraya and Joe snorted and the look Mallory and Nat shared and Lilith realised her mistake, "Uh, Me and Nat-"

"I'm not sharing with Mason."

"Okay, then-"

"Me neither," Natalie said.

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