"It appears your artery is being periodically blocked by - by a stone."

"A stone?" Tina asked.

Newt shook his head, "It - it must be ischemic myocardial contracture."

Tina looked at him, "What?"

The mediwitch looked surprised, too.

"I - I had a - a uni-unicorn with m-myocardial ischemia, and it - it turned to - to stone." Newt explained. He looked at Tina. "R-remember the - the one w-we found in - in France, with N-Ned. She - she had this v-very thing. Ned and I - we - we did an op-operation to r-remove the st-stone - well, a b-blood clot r-really, it's just - just hardened com-completely to - to a - a rock - rock-like struct-structure is r-really all the d-difference. Its like - like having a p-pebble in -in the - the heart and -- very - very bad. Very bad. But s-she was a g-good unicorn," he added, nodding.

Tina hesitated - remembering what he was talking about.

"T-the h-heart s-stone is f-fatal in - in most - most cases."

There was a long silence. 

Newt's eyes met Tina's. 

Her face was completely pale.

"I - I'm sorry, I - I think I m-might be d-dying," he said matter-of-a-factly.

Tina shook her head, "Don't you bloody dare say that to me, ever again!"

Newt blinked rapidly, trying to keep their eyes locked. "If - if I do you'll - you'll have to see to my c-creatures --"

"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander --" Tina hissed, "Stop that right now. You are not dying. I will not allow you to die, you are not allowed!"

The mediwitch cleared her throat.

They both looked at her. 

"It isn't myocardial ischemia... or heart stones. It only looked like a stone at first, but the better the look I got it - it almost looked like --"  

"What?" Newt asked.

"What is it then?" Tina demanded.

The witch looked thoroughly confused. "It looks like it's a tiny dragon."

"Come again?" Tina said.

Newt grinned, "A - a tiny d-dragon, why I'll - I'll be!"

Tina gave him the Look. 

"W-what? Teeny, h-how novel!" Newt said, "A h-heart dragon!"

"Is that a thing?"

"Ap-p-parrantly so!" Newt said, excitedly, "B-being dis-discovered this v-very moment, it seems! H-how exc-citing. Is there a w-way to - to let me s-see it m-myself? Where are my s-supp-supplies? T-Teeny could you pop into the c-case and fetch - fetch my - my book and p-pencils a-and --"

"Mr. Scamander have you been exposed to dragon pox recently?"

"N-no," he replied, "N-not that I kn-know of."

"How would dragon pox exposure lead to - to a heart dragon?" Tina demanded, looking between the mediwitch and Newt. 

"The - the v-virus looks - looks like a - a dragon b-before it t-takes hold," Newt explained. "It - it looks like one wh-when it fir-first e-enters the b-blood s-stream."

Tina's eyes widened, "So he has dragon pox?"

"N-no, if it l-looks like a d-dragon th-then it hasn't b-broken apart y-yet," Newt said.

"It didn't particularly look like the virus cluster, but that's the only explanation I can think of," the mediwitch said, still confused looking.

"Oh e-even m-more b-brilliant! A g-good old f-fashioned m-mystery!"

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now