Chapter 47

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"Mom, why isn't that sister coming home?"

"Sister must have her own business. Yuzi has to go to school tomorrow, so she must go home now."

Lying on the bench in the park, Shen Daiwu looked at the dark sky with no image and ashen face.

He is lost.

After going around many detours, Jindai Wu finally arrived at a park with few people.

[It's a living person! Go and ask for directions, Ah Wu! 】

Suddenly stimulated by 001 in his mind, Jindai Mu stood up instantly like a conditioned reflex, but such a stiff movement somewhat scared the mother and daughter who had just passed by.

"Well, hello, do you know where this is?"

The woman shielded her child behind her back because she was frightened, but she gradually relaxed her vigilance after seeing the face of Jindai Mu.

After all, in comparison, Kamdaimu's better face can indeed help him in many places, not to mention the appearance of a down-and-out noble girl, which makes the woman in front of him feel a little pity.

"This is the outskirts of Tokyo, miss, are you lost?"

Seeing the worry that couldn't be hidden in the woman's eyes, Jindai couldn't help but look down at his own appearance. Although the clothes have become a bit baggy during the battle, they are generally clean and tidy. It's a pity that after going through another super long slow walk, the Kamdai Wudao at this moment is indeed a little disgraced.

So, trying to give full play to some of his own advantages, Jindai Wu replied pitifully: "Yes, I want to go back to school, but I got lost because of some things, and I don't have a mobile phone with me, so I would like to trouble you, can I borrow your mobile phone?" ?”

"Is Big Sister going to school too?" Hearing what Jindai Mu said, the little girl who had been hiding behind her asked with big curious eyes.

Nodding fiercely, Kamyomu replied sincerely: "Yes, I have to go to school tomorrow."

Seeing the appearance of Shendaiwu and her daughter communicating seriously, the woman touched her daughter's head in embarrassment, and then began to look for the mobile phone from her bag, "It's not too much trouble, and it's getting late now, so I still need to It's safer to go back sooner."

"A Wu?"

Just took the phone and was about to make a call, Jindai Wu suddenly heard someone call his name, he was startled, and turned his head: "Jie?!"

The dim red pupils were suddenly filled with the brilliance of hope, and Xia Youjie blinked uncomfortably when he looked at the pupils that were full of himself, and slightly shifted his gaze.

But the body couldn't help but quickly stepped forward, "Why is Ah Wu here alone?"

"Huh? This is..." The woman noticed that Kojiro suddenly looked behind her, and before turning her head, she found a very tall and handsome boy in front of her.

Returning the phone back, "Thank you, this is my classmate." Jindai Wu thought that he had finally got rid of the possibility of staying overnight, and looked at Xia Youjie for a moment, as if he saw some lifesaver , "I can go back soon, you should go back sooner too."

The woman's eyes moved between Shendaiwu and Xia Youjie, and when she saw the young man who appeared later standing in front of the young girl almost unknowingly as a protector, she couldn't help smiling, "Okay~ Then you must also Be safe."

"do not worry."

After waving goodbye to the strange pair of mother and daughter, Kamdai Wu returned his gaze to Xia Youjie.

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