Chapter 20: Pained memory

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Reader's POV

The bed saved them from the fall. Arnav sir's weight was on Kushi. She could sense butterflies from every part of her body which was touching Arnav sir right now . Her face ears have turned beetroot pink.

Arnav sir's face was at the croock of her neck making her sensitive to his touch.

Kushi: Arnav sir..., Arnav sir , are you okay , can you get up.

There was no answer from Arnav sir making her worry and scared at the same time.

She put all her strength and and made him aside and got up . Clearly he had fainted . What will she do now . She started to panicly call him.

Tears were at brim of her eyes .

Arnav sir , Arnav sir . She patted his cheeks .

Arnav sir finally reagained some conciousness uttering hmm mmm

Kushi felt some relief, with great effort she made his posture right on bed. And to check how much he had fever, she kept her palm on his forehead. It was buring hot.

Arnav sir quickly grabbed her hand from his forehead and kept it on his chest with his hand above her's sending tinglings to Kushi.

Kushi: yes sir tell me .

He said some gibberish which she can't understand or hear. So she leaned in her ears to him so near that she can hear him breath.

Arnav sir wispeared "sugar , bring me sugar"

Kushi slowly took out her hands from him and ran towards kitchen.

She couldn't find any sugar box in kitchen , but she realised about the box of jalebi's parth had given , she grabbed the box from her bag and hurried towards Arnav sir.

She helped him to sit and made him eat jalebi's. He gulped down 2 jalebi's which were left . Then drank the glass of water which Kushi brought and again laid on the comfort of his mattress.

Kushi can feel the heat radiating from Arnav sir's body. She found a smooth cloth from his drawer and dipped it in cold water and place the cloth on his forehead. He wimpered like a child.

She knew somewhat how to take care of sick people . Thanks to her hostel life from schooling till now. She always carried a small medicine box with her . Now all she needs to do is make him eat something healthy and give him the medicine.

Now here comes the twist , Kushi didn't know to cook. Yeah you heard it right. 20 year old Kushi didn't know how to cook . Again all thanks to spending her entire teen life in hostels . And the holidays at home was her time to get pampered by parents.

In name of survival food , she can only cook magi , which of course she can't feed Arnav sir now. So , she surrendered herself to ultimate guide "youtube". She opened the recipie for kichadi.

After almost an hour and rummaging on every cupboard in kitchen and adjusting ingredients, she plated the kichadi . The quantity hardly can fulfil one person. She has tasted it and it was an average taste considering she cooked for the first time. Her mom used to always taunt her saying "when will you learn to cook? God only save your husband".

Her ears turned red again, who knew she would cook her first meal to her handsome teacher. Wait a minut, handsome teacher? Were did it come from , kushiii, control your damm thoughts . Arnav sir is sick.

As Kushi took food to Arnav sir's room and kept it on the stand beside his bed . She could hear him whimpering in sleep. Sweat beads have formed on his forehead and he was shaking.

Kushi shook him calling his name to wake him up. May be he was experiencing a bad dream. She put a hand on his chest and shook him calling his name. "Arnav sir , wake up".

Undeniable love (Arshi) TeacherXstudentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang