Chapter 9: Mafia Boss

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Najane aaj kal kyun yu koye koye rehte hai,
Na jagh pate hai, na so pate hai,
Tum ishq ho, ya pyar ho, ya bass dil behlane ki zariya ho,
Na hum samjhte hai, na samajha pa rahe hai.

- ganashaa

Kushi's POV

Days passed by, I and parth became Arnav sir's prime target, he used to not let go any chance to insult us or taunt us in any way possible. And he used glare at me always like I had robbed his home or something. But I don't mind nowadays too much, I became habituated by his rude behaiour towards me.

I already made a conclusion in my mind that he hates me and I need to endure it.
But, my stupid heart beats around him and I do admire his teaching alot. Apart from his dark, arrogant demeanor, he is highly intelligent in subjects and his teaching skills is extraordinary.

His eyes always amused me everytime, because there was something deep in those eyes, I never saw him smile even once, why is that? How can someone live without smiling? Is something bothering him?

We have already finished with our first internals, I and payal stood in the corridor speaking about random stuff. I looked at my watch and it was already time for next class and it was of Arnav sir.

Me: yaar, lets go its Hitler's class, you know na silly reason is enough for him to kill me.

Payal stood frozen looking behind me with wide eyes.

Me: what now? Did you see a ghost behind me.

"Did you call me Hitler?"

My face paled, I slowly turned back. There stood an angry young man with books in his hand looking handsome as usual and angry as usual too.

I gulped, didnt find any word which I can utter

"I will deal with you later, now get into the class" he spilled the words with the authority which he obviously have and walked towards the class.

I stood there not able move, I looked at payal with fear stuck eyes. "Payu he is going to murder me right?"

"For sure", she said looking me in eyes and went inside the classroom.

Arnav sir as usual didn't even Spare me a glance while he was teaching, for one moment, I thought he forgot about it and I prayed to god for it to be true, but my prayers where not heard, "kushi, see me in my cabin at 6:30 PM sharp", he left the class with that.


I entered the staffroom, there was no one. All the teachers have already left since our classes and practicles will be over at 5:30 itself. I took slow steps towards his cabin, He was sitting facing his back to me.
"May I come in sir" he could have mistaken my voice to be of mouse. He turned towards me spinning his chair.
"Ahh, you came he said with devilish smirk"

I gulped, "So do you understand the concequences of calling me Hitler".
Fear started to build up inside me, "s... Sorry sir"

"Do you think you will be forgiven?" His simirk widended. "from the first day, I laid my eyes on you, I hated you Miss. Kushi Gupta, you have tested my patience too much now, filthy girl like you doesn't deserve to live", my eyes widened so much that I thought my eyeballs will jump out of the sockets.

" sir, you are joking right", this definately needs to be a joke. "What do you think, am I joking?" He removed a revolver from his bag. I was beyond terrified. " no, please sir, dont ", I begged. He let out a inhuman laugh " if Arnav sigh Raizada decides you should not live then no one can stop me from killing you " I stared to cry, " police will not leave you, if you kill me", I tried my weak voice to threaten him.

"You are silly girl Kushi, you don't know who Im, Im ASR, Im the Mafia boss, I had disguised myself as teacher for one of my mission. Now now now, killing you is important to me then my mission. No authority or police can touch me or save you, say your last prayers kushi"

He pointed the revolver to my head, "oh god no.. No.. No ", and then the loud sound of gunshots are heard. "Nooooo..."


I opened my eyes, there was Anand sir teaching, ohh god! I had slept, so this is a dream, very horrible dream.
Payal : kush are you alright, you are looking too pale.
Me : im okay.

Im feeling my energy draing off, and my head aching badly. Anad sir's was last class and once he left the class I looked at my watch and it was 5:45, I have to meet Arnav sir at 6:30, I asked payal to head hostel. I rested my head on bench and closed my eyes, and my head ache was increasing with every minute.

At 6:30, my phone vibrated, I had kept an alarm. Switching it off, I made my way towards staff room, my stomach started to pain by then, There was no one in staff room. Isn't it similar to what i saw in my dream, fear started to build inside me, I shrugged the feeling and walked towards his cabin.

Arnav sir was busy within his laptop.
"May I come in sir", he looked up hearing my weak voice and signalled me to come in with his eyes, I stood infront of his table. His phone beeped, he picked it up
Arnav sir's conversation on the phone:
"Yes, tell me "
"Yes, it's more important to me than my mission", hearing this my fear started to grow more, what if he is really a mafia boss and god has shown me my death before in form of dream

"Okay, I will finish it and you take care of the rest" he ended the call. Definately he is talking about taking care of my dead body. I satarted to tremble. He went to his desk and opened his bag. That's it, it's my end.

Arnav sir's POV

I went to take out papers from my bag and I heard her trembling voice "No...., no.. please dont kill me.. Im... Sorry " she started to cry. I don't know what's wrong and I got really concerned about her sudden behaviour

Me : what is wrong kushi? why are you crying? what happened?
Kushi: Plea... se don't.. Kill.. Me

Her statement shook me

Me: what are you saying Kushi, why you thought I will kill you.
Kushi : I know everything (sobbing ), you went to take out revolver from the bag right (hiccup), I know you hate me, you want to kill me (sobbing)

My mind was blown by her statements, I only thought she is silly but she is weired and definately lost her mind. Did she think I'm some sort of murderer? seriously? Revolver in my bag? What the..

Me: calm down kushi,you are uttering nonsense, please take a seat and drink some water(giving her the water bottle)

Kushi: please promise me you won't kill me(still sobing)

Me: promise, I won't kill you (sighing)

She took the water bottle from my hand and finished all water in one go, she sure is one water monster.

Me: Are you feeling okay now?

She nodded yes, I looked at her wet eyes and that pink nose, she is looking somewhat cute,

Me : so tell me why did you thought Im going to kill you and I had revolver in my bag?

Kushi: Ar.. Are you not a Mafia boss? Was it not some Mafia mission you spoke on phone?

I saw her in pure bewilderment.

Me: what made you think that?

Kushi : I dreamed about it.....

To be continued

Author's not : what will be Arnav sir's reaction on kushi's crazy dream😅
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