chapter 13 (part 2): The night which I don't remember

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Reader's POV:

It took 10 seconds for Kushi to realise where she has landed. She closed her eyes tightly before jumping from his lap and standing straight. "Sor..ry Sir" she said stealing glance at him.

Arnav sir didn't respond nor turned his attention towards her. He was busy viewing the nature outside the window or he was trying to control his feelings which irked due to her actions. She thought he somehow didn't notice her presence.

But she knows that's not true, how can he not sense her sitting on him. But isn't it weired that he didn't shout at her for this action. The embarrassment grew like a tree inside her spreading its branches and she didn't waste anytime to sprint back to her seat.

It was god's grace that no one has seen her  sitting on his lap, else what would everyone have thought. Thinking the scenario of misunderstanding among her peers made her cheeks pink.

"Why are you pink kush" payal touched her cheeks. "Nothing payu, its ntg".
Payal observed her for a few seconds before keeping her water bottle medicine in a bag and handing it over to her. Kushi stood up to keep it and in the corner of her eye she noticed Arnav sir, he was in the same form, staring outside the window.

She sat on her seat and started to stare outside the window too, everyone on the bus was almost silent, may be since everyone were in sleepy mood, but 3 people were drowned by their own thoughts.

Parth knew he was being drawn more and more to kushi, was it love? He always felt warmth in his heart whenever she is around him. Smile would always appear on his face involunterily by just looking at her. Its not only because of her physical beauty but her kind and pure soul which he was attracted to.

Kushi saw payal dozed off already and she didn't had any choice rather then embracing sleep, else the embarressment would haunt her. So she closed her eyes and traveled to her dreamland.

Arnav sir had tried his best to come to his senses. It has been very tough for him from last few days to keep his eyes away from kushi. And there she is falling on his lap. Does she have slightest idea of what it feels to block their feeling.

Does she have any idea how he is living in turmoil, not able to accept his feeling nor ignore these feeling. He closed his eyes " profession is god" he repeated and opened his eyes.

Even through his concious brain demanded not to look at her, but his stubborn eyes moved towards her direction. From where he was sitting, he can only see the right side of her face. Her skin glowed as always.

She has closed her eyes, lips a bit apart deep in her sleep. Wind made strands of her hair fall on her face. He got urge brush of hair which was hiding her beautiful face from his view, "kushi, why are you doing this to me " he said to himself.

He was so engorresed in observing kushi that he didn't notice the bus has stopped for a short break, "Miss Gupta " he heard  parth's voice who was standing infront of her  seat, the uneasiness again started to take control in Arnav sir's body.

"Miss gupta, get up " why is he waking her up, Arnav sir wanted to hide kushi from parth. Kushi looked at parth with half closed eyes. " what is it parth? "
Parth sighed " where is your phone?, your father called me".

Kushi opened her eyes fully and quickly pulled out her phone from her jeans pocket. Indeed there was 2 missed calls from her father. She didn't waste time in dialling him.

"Hello Dad, so sorry i had slept and didn't check my phone" " yes parth said me" "okay i will call you once we reach" " take care" "bye"

Once the call was done she sighed. Parth sat on opposite seat to her's. "I too got uncle's miss call" payal stated. "Your father is so much worried about you" parth said smiling.

"Yea he is, If I didn't pick up the call, he becomes too worried" kushi replied.

Parth: you might be the princess of your house right kushi?

Kushi: me and princess? (Kushi asked suprised)

Payal: if its not for her father then she might have been killed the next day she was born.
Parth was taken aback and Arnav sir who was hearing this convo just stared wide eyed.

Kushi: yea its true parth, im not a princess. But according to elderly people of my family, Im a curse to my family, that is why they didn't wanted me. But my Dad is someone who gave me second life, second chance, he fought for me and he is fighting for me, he is my god.

Kushi had tears in corner of her eyes.

Parth was still not able to digest the information, " a life without kushi" he thought to himself and a chill ran down his body, he went back to his seat silently.

Arnav sir's fist was already cleched. A world without kushi, He wanted to kill everyone who was about to hurt her, he wanted to protect her. The way she adores her father, he wants her to adore him instead, he wants the authority over her which her father has right now.

Bus resumed the journey and it was around 11 when they reach the destination. It was a forest and a small path which led to the small village. The village was beautiful and people were generous.

Everyone started their survey and all the kids of the village followed them behind. Lunch was arranged by goverment. When kushi and payal got their plates, with rice, roti, sambar, sabzi and 2 gulab jamuns, her face illuminated. As she was about to have a bite, a little kid was staring at her, she understood that kid was hungry and offered her plate to the kid.

The kid smiled, took the plate happliy and marched awaya. Parth who was watching this smiled to himself as if he got all the answers to his feelings. "I love you ms. Gupta"

At evening everyone was having fun with villagers, village head had organized dinner and snacks, everyone were happy. Sharbat was also served kushi, payal and parth drank it happily without knowing it was alcholic.

Many students drank it too. When the students were behaving weiredly Arnav sir learned this sharbat was alchoholic and scholded the village head.

Ravi sir and Arnav sir were busy gathering and helping the students who were high now due to alchohol. Payal was sleeping soudly where she was sitting before. Akash who had not drank the sharbhat, carried her bridal style to the room which was alloted to girls and made her sleep on the bed. He also carressed her cheeks for sometime before leaving the room.

Arnav sir observed that kushi and parth were nowhere to be seen. He went to search them in the forest. After walking for sometime calling their name, he could see them walking in opposite direction with hands on each other's shoulder's singing "hum honge khamiyab"

Arnav sir's blood boiled seeing them like this, how dare he touch kushi, he went to them and separated both of them, he held parth in right hand and kushi in left.

Parth : kushiiii no one can seperate us ( influence of alchohol)
Kushi: hum honge kamiyab ( swinging her free hand in air)

Arnav sir sighed. Ravi sir came to them just then.

Arnav sir: Ravi sir, you take parth along with you. I will bring kushi.

Ravi sir nodded and held parth pulling him awaya. Parth had no energy left to resist but he was shouting kushi's nane again and again.

Arnav sir waited till Ravi sir and parth disappear from sight and turned to kushi. She was still singing hum honge khamiyab. And suddenly she saw who was holding her and her eyes widened.

Kushi: eee Hitler
Arnav sir : you are too high kushi, dont talk.
Kushi : hitler, hitler hitler...
Arnav sir looked at her angrily and she pouted. Seeing her face his anger dissappeared, isn't she cute?

Arnav sir : come lets go.
Kushi: no.. Where is parth.
Arnav sir : why do you need parth always
Kushi: because.. Because.. Because he is my friend. I like him...

Arnav sir gripped her hand tightly
Kushi: ahhhh
Arnav sir : dont say that again kushi
Kushi: i like him, i like him, i li....

She stopped midsentence as Arnav sir's rough lips smashed against her's.

To be continued...

Author's note: im really sorry guyzz, this last week has been very difficult for me, your comments and votes are what motivates me to write. Thankyou so much❤️

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