Chapter 7C : The rose

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Arnav sir's POV:

Since there were no classes today, I had come to college late, I was passing accross the auditorium, I stopped in tracks. The girl who changed my nighmare was coming in my direction with her eyes glued on her phone. Her red dress is complimenting her complexion,
I should move but I want to look at her some more. As she was busy with her phone, she dashed me.

"Sor...", she looked at me rubbing her forehead, and stopped mid sentence, her eyes looked like some precious pearls and unconsciouly my eyes travelled up and down her body, stopped at her lips. Her lips wear beautiful pink. " get hold of yourself Arnav" I came out of transe.

As I left for my cabin, I loathed myself. Why am I affected by this silly girl. i had never reacted to any girl till now and I didn't feel the need to react. Then why her? Why did she visit my nightmare?, Nighmare of that horific incident of my life. Never ever in 17 years was my nightmare changed, it was same as it was, as it happened. Then how come I saw this girl there and the ending changed somewhat. I became restless, As I recahed my cabin, I opened my bag and took out a photo, a beautiful women stared back at me. My heart found peace and I closed my eyes "Maa.."

Kushi's POV

The programme began, even sukruti di and gang had arrived and also few students from other branches. Seniors had arranged so many fun games for us and we were ejoying ourselves like anything. In between my mind was again drifting back to the incident which occured in morning, "what was that", he looked so cold and dangerous but his eyes, his eyes told me the diffrent story. There was something deep within them, what was it?

Payal nudged me back to reality
Payal: where are you lost again, check the performance, its so funny.

I looked up to the stage and saw our seniors perfoming, comedic dance. Boys had dressed like girls and girls as boys and were dancing with weired funny steps.

I let out a laugh.
Payal: see Ravi sir laughing his head's off.. And look at Arnav sir, Yaar he is not laughing even for these extreme performance, How starnge.

As soon as she took Arnav sir's name, my head turned in the direction her eyes were poininting, sitting on the row back to us in the last seat was. Ravi sir laughing uncontrollably and beside him was Arnav sir, who was staring infront with blank experssion.

Me: when did they come in.
Payal: they came through back door I guess.

Why does he have such a blank expression, Is he not enjoying the performance? Or he is just thinking something? I didn't saw him smile even once. How can someone live without smiling. As these thoughts clubbed my mind, Arnav sir looked at me and raised one eyebrow as if to ask "What?".
I turned my head so fast in front that I felt my neck might get cracked, my heart racing thousand miles, I did it again, I let him club my thoughts again, why? Why im doing this? Why my mind and heart is not in my control? I have never behaved unconsciously before then why is my consciousness is betraying me now?...

As the anchor announced parth's name for next performance, my thoughts stopped and I looked towards stage.

Parth, started his dance performance with his hip hop steps and everyone started clapping and hooting for him, Parth was no doubt a charmer with high academic performance and good looks. "Any girl can fall for his soft spoken nature", I remember krithika, our class representative has said when the girls hang out in a mess.

He finished his moon walk flawlessly and started dancing for Bollywood song, everyone started clapping loudly, after he is done, he came down from the stage and some senior gave him the rose, taking it he marched towards me and everyone's eye was on him, I knew what he was going to do, he has informed me before. He came in front of me, everyone in the auditorim stared at us with pin drop silence.

Parth kneeled down and gave me the rose, I hesitated at first but, seeing the fear of embarressment in his face, I took the rose and i heard claps and hooting, also there were whistles. Parth went in front of the stage and took the mic and I turned towards Arnav sir and I saw his seat empty, I sighed in relief, don't know for why?

"Guyz don't misunderstand this, senior had given task to give the rose to anyone of my batchmate girl, kushi is my good friend. So, I gave it to her. But, please guyz don't make this into any rumors. We are just good friends"

Everyone clapped and I felt so thankful to parth for clearing this out. And the programme went on. We played many fun games and ended our programme with Ramp walk and photoshoot.I didn't see Arnav sir anywhere near

We thought our seniors are scary, but we all jelled up so well and enjoyed like anything. After our programme it was Around 6pm so we all went to the canteen for some chai and snacks. I, payal, Anita, parth, Rohan(parth's friend) and sukruti Di sat outside the canteen with chai cups in our hand, cold breeze blew making everything pleasant. We were laughing hard due to sukruti di's antique's. We were having good time.

I saw payal looking at Akash who was also standing with his gang little away from our group. He was also staring at payal. Akash is payal's first love. It was not easy to impress our tom boy(payal) so easily, Akash is definately a good person. I silently prayed in my heart for the success of their love. Love might be so magical, even through I never experienced love, I always thought there is someone out there for me. Will I ever experience this kind of love and longging? But I didn't know love was just around the corner.

As I was done with my chai, I turned around throw my empty plastic cup in dustbin, but somehow i stepped on my own dress and was about to fall. But parth held my hand. Thank god else I would have got hurt really bad.

Me: Thanks parth! (with a smile)
Parth: no problem (still holding my had )
I looked at my hand and saw him again
Parth: oh sorry! ( smiling and letting go of my hand)
Sukruti di: you both look so good togather.
I didn't like her comment
Me: we are just friends Di, you know i don't like these things.
Sukruti Di: okay kushiji, as you wish.

I just shook my head and laughed unaware of the parir of eyes which was watching and clutching his fists.

Author's note: show your love with votes and comments

Undeniable love (Arshi) TeacherXstudentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें