PART 16: Ronak

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Kushi's POV

I came home after my exams, I was finally relieved to be home after this long semester. I saw Dad at the bus stand as soon as I climbed down the bus. He has always waited for me like this , whenever i cane back from hostels .

I ran towards dad and hugged him, He laughed hugging me back. How I missed him and his warmth. We drove back home, I spoke about all the things happened during this semester. About this goverment project , how did we work hard to be part of this , about parth , how he helped me and payal in studies. About seniors , about freshers and about teacher's.

I narrated all wife jokes of PK sir and dad laughed shaking his head . " I can relate to him putti" , he said in between. "Don't say this to you mom" , I laughed and nodded again . I also said him about Arnav sir, how strict of a teacher he is and how I misunderstood him and hated him in beginning. But, I realised he is a great teacher now.

Dad listened to me carefully and said "Putti, let me tell you , you learn abundantly from someone who has intelligible vision and pure love for subject , By your illustration, I can feel Arnav sir is this person. Learn from him as much as you can. Don't mind his rigidity, At the end of the day he is your Guru and he has all the rights to be severe to his students in learning. Remember Guru's place is among the Gods after parents."

I nodded to my father and started watching out of car's window. Regret started embracing me. My feelings for Arnav sir is unruly from past few days. I don't have a clue why I was feeling this way towards him. Now my father's words hit me like rock, puzzling me , making me compunctious. Dad is right , these feelings are disreputable.

As we reached home, mom welcomed me with all my favorite dishes. I munched on happily and slept like never before. Next day, I started writing report for my project.

As I was writing, everything that happened in this sem played like a movie infront of me. First time I saw Arnav sir in library ,the way he said I'm wasting my parents money, the way he looks at me, the way I landed on his lap in bus , the way senior said he carried me from forest ....

Everything I was envisioning repeatedly and this all came to halt by Dad's words, Remember Guru's place is among god's. Tear unknowingly welled up in my eye and started to flow like river. Why? Why this is happening to me ? Why am i being like this ?

What if Arnav sir finds out how I am feeling about him , he would be disgusted, Im felt sickened by my own feelings. I don't want to feel this way towards my teacher.

My phone rang by then, it was Payal and parth on conference call , I quickly accepted it.

Payal : hello kush , how is vacation going ?

Me: as usual I'm missing you guyzz , I know parth is busy studying for next sem already.

Parth : haha funny , was it supposed to be joke Miss Gupta , I'm cooking biryani.

Payal and me togather: you cook ?

Parth : of course! , my little sis says I would become a famous chef if I want to.

We spoke for another 20min before hanging up . I felt good after speaking with them , I saw my mobile battery was at 10 percent , so I put it to charge and continued my work .

It was around 9 pm , when my eyes opened. I had slept in without realising. Mom called me for dinner and I checked my phone . To my horror my phone was dead . I did put it to charge right? Then why is it not working ?

I have gave it to repair shop next morning .

After 2 days.

I felt so bored without my phone. I took mom's phone to surf or watch YouTube. But, she will be in call for hours with relatives. I got ready and started heading to market. I hoped atleast today it should get repaired.

Mom got vexed as I was going out in this hot afternoon. But, I couldn't help , I want my phone.

It was evening when I returned back with my phone. I hurried to kitchen to drink a glass of water when Ashok came back from behind and scared me.

Me : Ashuu, why you always do this ?
Ashok : it's fun to see your scared face.
Me :  chal idiot
Ashok: arey! you got call from your university in afternoon.
Me : what?
Ashok : yes someone from your uni called mom's phone , seems like one of your teacher , he seemed quite angry . What blunder did you commit this time ?

Me :shut up Ashu! Which teacher , did he say his name ?

Ashok: no he didn't say his name , but he said to call him once you are back , something urgent is what he said .

Me : ooh okay .

I straight away went to take mom's mom and dialled same number which ashu was talking about.

After two rings someone picked it up. And his voice brought butterflies inside me for unknown reasons .

Arnav sir : Hello, Is this kushi?

Me: ( holding myself) yes Arnav sir , kushi speaking.

Arnav sir: where were you ?

His voice was so dangerous that my heartbeat started beating unrythemically.

Me: in home.

Arnav sir : did you see message which i sent in group?

Me: no sir , i had given my phone to repair , just now i got it back , have to charge it yet and check.

Arnav sir : I think you are taking this project liniently . At 6 pm be ready with your report , i will send the zoom invite in group.

Me: final report?

Arnav sir : have you not started it ? Why are you so irresponsible?

The word irresponsible stiked me, why does he always have to be rude with me ?.

Me: no sir, i have started . I will finish it within 6

Arnav sir: lets see you have only an hour left anyway .

he hung up with that

I have no time to pity myself now, need to finish my report . I marched towards my laptop with determination.

Arnav sir's POV at 8 years


I sat quietly looking around trying to grasp the situation.  Nani was crying hysterically. People were staring at me and Anjali di sympathetically.

Anjali di held my hand firmly , wiping her tears from other hand. And my mom was smiling from the frame, flower garlands covering her from all sides. Diya infront of her burned brightly and that flames brought unbearable pain.

I couldn't take it anymore and ran outside. Tears dripping like heavy rain , my hands were not enough to wipe it.

I saw a football landing infront of me. I looked up to see boy of my age with small smile. I just stared at him . He searched his pocket and took out candy forwarding it to me.

Boy: eat this , you will feel better.

Me : i dont want.

He stared at me for sometime and then hugged me , caressing my hair , "everything will be fine " .

At that moment i couldn't take it anymore and cried in his little arms, after a long time I felt peace...

Undeniable love (Arshi) TeacherXstudentWhere stories live. Discover now