Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Lamar was getting off the elevator coming from Terrance's and saw Teresa pull Anthony around the corner and into the computer room. Teresa was telling Anthony that he wasn't doing a very good job of keeping me away from Terrence.

"He's broken dates with me to spend time with them. Now it seems like he is pulling away more. He's spending more time with them then he is me. I know they are doing something."

"They are friends for over ten years. He's the godfather of her child. You said, he has only ever been around when her son is home and I know she would never do anything while he was home. Besides, she wouldn't cheat on me. Not after what her husband did to her. Plus, it's her husband's best friend. She is too good of a person for that."

"Yeah, I bet that is what everyone says just before they get cheated on. Wake up! You're losing her to him. Pretty soon they will be breaking it off with us and completing that readymade family that they enjoy almost every night during the week."

"I Think you are way too paranoid. Besides, him hanging around It isn't going to last much longer anyway. I'm going to ask her to marry me. So that means I'll meet the son, I'll be there during the week, and there are no more worries. I have the ring and everything."

"You're, what? Don't be so naive. She doesn't even love you. Stick to the plan and keep her away from Terrence." said Teresa.

"Now, who's being naive? He doesn't love you; you've cooked up this elaborate scheme to get him to fall for you, and it hasn't worked yet." Anthony said to his sister. 

"It would have if you didn't bring her to the building the one place, she should never have moved in."

"What I didn't bring her here, she came her on her own. How was I supposed to know this was where he lived? Of all the places for him to live."

"Do what you agreed to do, keep her away from him."

"I can't believe that I agreed to this crazy, plan of yours."

"Well, well, well. I knew when I found out that you two were siblings there was more to the story. Then the day that we were on the elevator and the two of you acted as if you didn't know each other, I knew there was a better story. Now, I know it all. See who said being patient doesn't get you what you want?" Lamar said as he entered the room.

"Shit." Teresa said as she rolled her eyes.

"I know a way that, well...two of us can get what we want. Sorry, Anthony, you will not be one of the lucky winners. Lamar said.

"Fuck you. I'm not agreeing to anything that you have to say." Anthony said with anger in his voice.

"Me either, you are a lunatic." Teresa said.

"You had your chance you lost it. Move on." Anthony said to him.

"I had my chance and I'm not finished. So, you need to move on. She's my wife and I love her."

"I don't get it. What is it about this woman that has you all so crazy? She's just a woman."

"You would never know because you could never be half the woman that she is. Either we can do it my way, or we can all go up now and tell everyone what you two have been up to. The choice is yours." Lamar said.

"I'll take my chances." Anthony said.

"Oh, so you want the woman that you love to hate you by finding out that your relationship started because your sister told you to. How do you think she would react to that bit of news? Do you think she will still want to be with you? I know that you don't want her to hate you, so if she thinks that she's done something wrong to you and you left her, you would save her the heartbreak of finding out that another man has betrayed her. I bet that would really make her feel good. What do you think? Then who do you think she's going to run to...Me? Then he looked at Teresa, "Terrence?" 

"I can't believe that you are willing to hurt her like this." Anthony said, "You claim to love her."

"I do love her. That is why I will be there to pick up the pieces. And you," he said as he looked at Teresa, "Terrence's all yours. I need that fucker to stay away, too. She has a soft spot for him, always has. He's the one that put all this shit in motion in the first place. I would still be happily married."

"Okay, I'm in." Teresa said.

"What? No! No, you're not!" Anthony said.

"Oh, Ant, give it up. You lost. No reason we all have to be losers here. I know that you don't want her to hate you. You love her too much, just do as he says. You're young you'll find someone else. Anyway, this was never about you. If you would have stuck to the plan and kept her away from my man, like we had set originally, we wouldn't be here now."

"I can't believe this. I'll tell Terrence about you." Anthony said to Teresa.

"Then I will tell your love about you. And like Mr. Lover man has pointed out, I know you don't want to hurt her by letting her know that another man that she has trusted has betrayed her."

"I can't believe this shit." Anthony paced the floor."

"You don't have a choice, Ant. You don't want to hurt her."

Lamar's phone rang, "This is her." he answered it. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you mind if I come past tonight? I have something really important to talk to you about. Okay just let me know." he hung up. "She's back. She must have come in when we were back here, and we didn't' see her. She's about to call you now, lover boy."

Then Anthony's phone rang. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Lie, tell her you have to go out of town, she knows about Nana. Tell her you're going to visit mom." Teresa said.

"Yeah, and I will fill you in on the rest. When you hang up." Lamar said.

"Hey, Adriana are you back?" And you know the rest.

After I called Lamar back, that is when they came up with an elaborate plan. When I called Anthony to let him know that I was on my way back to town, he timed it. He got the food and the flowers and would surprise me in the lobby. Lamar used it to his advantage.

"Okay, I have it. You go up to Terrence's place." he said to Teresa. "I'll go up to Adriana's . I'll tell her that I was at Terrence's, then you wait ten minutes and come up. I will leave the door unlocked. I will kiss her or something. You walk in with the flowers and food drop it or some dramatic shit like that. Storm out with a I trusted you....ahhh you have been messing with him all along. You know what to do. Then, I will swoop in and save the day. You got that?"

"Yeah, I got it!" Anthony said angrily.

Of course, none of it turned out how any of them had hoped. Funny thing about feelings...they're unpredictable. Anthony was upset because I was in the shower and I was hiding Lamar. It hurt him thinking about what we may have been doing in there and rightfully so. He thought he would tell me that Lamar knew he was coming up. He knew that I wouldn't be crying on his shoulder then. Teresa was upset because of how Terrence reacted to the news when Lamar told him about the fiasco with him, Anthony, and me. He left out and didn't say anything to her. He was gone so long she thought he was with me. That's why she told me about the baby and thought she would tell me about myself while she was at it. So, in the end, everyone's plan went up in smoke.

After they finished, I ran off, leaving Terrence. I can't believe what I heard. I walked around downtown for about an hour thinking about what I had just heard. It was like my life was a soap opera, and I was the only one who didn't know it. 

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