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5 years later
I stared down at my ring, fuck. I'm married. Living in Sweden. With 2 children. Just to think...all of those years ago, I was with a man who I didn't love and so incredibly unhappy. Now, I'm living my best life. A few years ago, I married the love of my life, Mason Gray. Our wedding was in the south of France and it was quiet, small. With Blair, my little babies, Hayley and Dominic as well as a few friends we'd made. We had one boy and one girl and I know I know you must be wondering, who's baby is it? The paternity test got rid of my biggest fear, Sebastian being the father. Mason Gray was in fact the person who had gotten me pregnant. It was so clear on how closely he resembled our kids. Everything worked out. We've been on the run from police, staying in small quiet communities for the past few years and it's all worked out perfectly. Mason decided to pick up a job online working for a company it pays him ridiculously well which is good because it is not cheap moving around especially with those two little munchkins.

I think back to when I was pregnant with the two twins, I'd seen all of those pregnancy horror stories and I thought oh I'll be fine I was wrong. I was making two whole babies in me and they sure as heck liked to move around every chance they get and caused my bladder to always want to pee every second. It was torture. Absolute torture. But, I think I never looked better. I always received compliments from others the most when I was carrying the two, maybe it's cause my boobs got bigger or the pregnancy glow whatever it was it was nice. I thought before that my sex drive was higher but after I'd become pregnant jeez. I could barely stay away from him for more than a few minutes, I think i actually managed to tire him out. He treated me practically like I was a princess the whole time I was pregnant but the way he treated me after the babies were out. Wow.

I remember the days. I like to call it the dry season. He'd basically treated me like a fragile glass that he didn't want to break. I get it I guess, I just shoved two babies out but we had to not have sex for a while and I thought he would've pounced on me after. I was very mistaken. After my pregnancy, he'd treated me so well. I'm talking about, every time the baby cried he was up, if there needed to be a diaper change? He was on the job. He even started buying me stuff to spoil me. He bought me 5 different Chanel bags in a day because one time, we were out on a walk and I said those were beautiful. I love how generous he is to me.

A month had passed and we still hadn't had sex. I was about to break, then came the anniversary...what a gorgeous anniversary it was. But that's a story for another day.

I go to the living room and find Mason playing a game with Hayley and Dominic. My little family. When Hayley sees me she comes over to hug me. She's always the affectionate one, nice to everyone. I pick her up and take her to sit down.

"Hi mama." Mason and Dominic say in unison. Those two are like two peas in a pod I swear. It's so cute.

"How did you and dada fall in love?" Curious Hayley...

"Um," We told them nothing about their dad's criminal life and i guess it's a way we did fall in love, it's in our story so I always get weird about this question.

"That's easy. Love at first sight. I was new to the school and your mom offered to show me around the school. I said yes because I was interested in getting to know her and well not only was she the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, I fell in love with every part of her personality. Especially that hideous laugh of hers, it's a real charmer." I threw a pillow at him for that last comment.

"I fell for his big nose and unusually large feet. It was very appealing. What every girl wants."

"Welp you know the saying." I immediately covered Hayley's ears. The bigger the nose and feet the bigger the...

"Grown ups are weird." Dominic said.

"I agree." Hayley said. Five year olds are also weirder.

"And just like that I beat you." Mason said.

"That's not fair! I got distracted."

"You snooze you lose. Better luck next time." Mason stood up and came to sit next to me, Dominic followed and came and sat next to his dad, still sad he lost the game. I gave Mason a kiss on his cheek. I couldn't ask for more...

"I love you."

"I love you more Angel."

And though our love story was one of pain mixed with beautiful moments, I'd do it all over again if I meant it ended like this. There is no man on this earth that makes me feel like he does. There is no man on this earth quite like Mason Gray, my only true love.

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