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"You know just what to say to a girl. I could just kiss you!"

"Do it. I would not mind."

"You said you'd do anything for a date with me correct?" I looked down and my eyes widened a bit when I saw his erection.

"Y-yes." I looked back up with a smile.

"I need a favour, I've got a friend who's done some...bad things. And when people do bad things you know they end up in jail. And I don't want that friend in jail. So, here's what's gonna happen. You are gonna tell me exactly what you did to get out of jail, every detail and if you don't not only will you not get your date, but I'll tell your little wife about this whole thing. And I may or may not tell her you tried to kiss me. So, it's really your pick. I recorded this whole conversation on my phone, so I've got evidence." I didn't, I needed to scare him. "You better not try any dumb shit otherwise I will scream at the top of my lungs, and I also have a knife on me, got it?" Shock mixed with anger was written all over his face and he looked back at the lake before taking a deep sigh.

"There's a officer there, Mr Lennon. If you pay him enough, he has a few friends on the outside who can pull a few strings. He's helped a few people escape but only for a good price." Bribery. Interesting. "So, about that date?" I rolled my eyes and hopped in my car driving off as fast as I could. Dumbass.
. . . . .
When I reached home, I immediately wrote down the whole plan, I guess we don't need Asher anymore. The only way I can deliver this news to Mason is by another conjugal visit. It's the only place they give you proper empty space. I started writing to Mason about the conjugal visit, since they check the letters you can't be open about all of the plans and if you're talking about an escape plan during visitation hours then you'll probably find yourself in trouble in seconds.

After I wrote the letter I sent it out and went back onto my bed. I breathed out a sigh but before I could even relax I felt the need to throw up and found myself running into the bathroom. Shit, that was weird. Shit...I have been taking birth control I'm fine. It's ok. It's fine. My period should be coming in two days and so we shouldn't be worrying. I'm not pregnant.

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