JunHao -> Match

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" I'll do as I please. "

Suddenly, Jun attacks his boyfriend again with tickling, and the other boys sigh and shake their heads before jumping on Jun.

" Oh guys, I'm under here ! " Jun says

Jun sighs in pain and looks into his boyfriend's eyes, begging for help through his gaze. Minghao smiles and decides to help his lover.

" Alright, guys let's all get up and finish this match ! "

The boys howl with joy and get up one by one. Minghao sighs and gets up too. He helps his buddy up too...

" Well, let's pick up where we left off..." Seokmin says

" Without cheating this time Jun-hyung. " Retorts Chan

" I never cheat. I'm not Jeonghan hyung "Jun replies.

Everyone looks at him, shaking their heads...

" Yah ! Never cheat, that's right, and I'm King Dagobert..." Says Jeonghan

" Did you put your panties on backwards ? " Seungkwan asks, laughing.

" You're such a idiot..." Joshua replies with a sigh.

" Then I won't allow you already..."

" I allow myself."

" Anyway we don't care, let's play ! " Said Seokmin and Chan at the same time.

The two boys jump up and down to get everyone on board, but no one follows. Finally, the euphoria of playing has left all of them, except Chan and Seokmin, who are watching the ball...

" Jun hyung This is all your fault! I wanted to play. " Says Chan, sulking.

" You're such a child. " replies the man concerned.

Minghao pats his friend on the head. Jun looks at him and asks " why " with his eyes.

" He's sensitive and you know it, look, he's gone. Cheol is going to look for him. " says Jeonghan

" I'm not going to play hide-and-seek Chan. " replies the leader, rolling his eyes.

" But you're the closest to him and the only one who knows him well enough to find him. " Jeonghan replies.

Seungcheol sighs and heads off in search of his younger son. Minghao watches him go, worried. Jun comes to his side and places a kiss on his cheek...

" Don't worry, he'll find him alive. " Jun says.

" Oh wow, that's reassuring. " Minghao replied ironically.

" I'm a pro at that. "

Minghao gives his eldest a nasty look, but he's in no mood to laugh. He knees his boyfriend in the stomach and invites the others to follow him to the dormitories. Jun sits on the floor, waiting for the pain to pass.
A few hours later, the eldest is still outside. He realizes that he may have gone too far with his cadets, especially with his lover. He arrives, and takes a seat next to his boyfriend.

" Junnie you know that-"

" I'm sorry. "

" You don't have to say that to me..."

" Did they come back ? "

" Otherwise I wouldn't have come looking for you. "

Jun looks at his boyfriend, smiling. He sighs and rests his head on his younger's shoulder, who runs his hand down his elder's back.

" Good thing you're here Minghao-ah..."

" That's as good a way as any to say you love me."

" But I love you and you know it..."

Minghao nods gently. Jun raises his and places a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek, the younger turns his head at the same moment. The two lovers' lips meet and the kiss is quite torrid. Jun climbs on top of his boyfriend and lays him on the floor. Minghao pushes him back a little, and the older man moves his kisses down to his younger's neck, but the latter stops him.

" We're not doing this here ! " says the colored one, breathless.

The older one raises his head and smiles at his buddy. He gets up from where he was and urges Minghao to do the same. He stands up...

" Come on, follow me..." Jun says

Minghao smiles at his boyfriend and comes over to him. He gently caresses his boyfriend's torso underneath his T-shirt, the elder sighs with well-being and clearly can't take it anymore. He comes to carry his lover and leads him towards their dormitory. Suffice to say, they're in for an excellent end to the evening ~

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

Thank's for the 300 views <3

~ 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘖𝘚 ~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat