Chapter 23

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''B-baby arrgghhh.''
Tae again groaned when jungkook bites while sucking in his neck.

''C-calm down my wild bunny, we will meet by evening, ahhh.''

Tae tries to calm jungkook who was not letting him move even an inch from his lap.

It's not new for him as he is facing this wild bunny from 4 months now but it's not like he is complaining.

Yes, it been 4 month after their love confession and they are enjoying each moment of their life.

Jungkook even apologized to jimin for his rude behaviour and for almost trying to kill him, well not really apologized to him because not for once he said sorry to him.

His ego, attitude or self respect call it whatever you want but he can't say sorry to anyone other than his hubby, his taehyung.

So, he offered jimin to ask for any one thing doesn't matter wherever he want he will fulfil it and in return jimin have to forgive him for his bad way of treating him because of a little misunderstanding.

At first jimin rejected it saying it's all right but when he saw tae mouthing  him please while continuously indicating him to accept it, he said okk hyung and asked for some time to think about it.

When the time came and jimin asked for the thing he want.

He asked for him and tae to again continue the university just like these best friend use to do before they meet them.

But jungkook denied it saying they can do home classes by online or he can order the professors to teach them in their mansion only.

Tae interrupted saying to not use his mafia powers on them, but jungkook smirked while saying I can use owner power right.

That's when they got to know that jungkook is the new owner of their university but what shocked them more was that jungkook brought that fucking expensive university just after the second day of meeting tae.

Tae even asked why but jungkook just shrugged it saying you belong to me so the place you go everyday should also belong to me.

That's make no sense, right. This is what everyone thinks after listening jungkook answer.

But they got the prove of just how much jungkook is crazy for tae from the time he meet him.

That night tae whined like a baby in jungkook embrace saying he want to complete his study like any normal student by going classes everyday.

And jungkook gave in when tae continued his cute whining torture on jungkook heart.

But it wasn't really the normal student college life tae was talking because jungkook ,yoongi and hobi sets some rules for them.

Like, they themself or namjin will pick and drop them everyday.

Tae and jimin weren't allowed to step outside the university until any one of them are not with them(tae and jimin).

If anyone bully or misbehave with them, they have to inform any one member.

Tae and jimin wasn't really had an option to refuse so they agree because they really don't wanna miss living their student life.
Right now jungkook is doing his beautiful art on tae neck by his pulped lips and bunny teeth which is giving pleasure to tae but he really need to stop jungkook as he is getting late for his university.

''Tae come out now.''
Jimin shouted as he was standing outside  the car.

''Hyung see now yoongi and hobi also left please let me go, jimin is waiting.''

Jungkook groaned in irritation as he parted away from tae and fixed his shirt while letting the first button of his shirt open as tae always keeps it so he won't feel suffocation.

But as jungkook being possessive over his hubby he everyday makes hickeys on that exposed area marking him as his own so no bitches or sluts come near his baby.

While tae finally take a relieve breath.

''Wait for me after university classes are over and if anyone misbehave with you, just call me hubby.''

Tae nodded as he kissed jungkook forehead.

''Don't stress yourself  or overwork bunny hyung, and I love you.''

''I love you too hubby.''

After their little lovey dovey moment tae gets out of the car and joined jimin who grinned at him.

Tae rolled his eyes at him and said
'' we will be late for our class, so move your leg fast or we will get detention .''

''Nahh, they won't dare to do that after knowing who our lovers are. Didn't you saw how scared that bland principal looks when he saw them in his office room. Oo god I can't get over that old man scared form, how funny he was even looking when jungkook hyung threatening him saying one small scratch on your body and he will empty every bullet of his gun inside his body.''

They both was laughing as they were passing by the corridor of their university.

''Yaa, and whole time he was just looking at the gun yoongi hyung kept on his desk.''
Tae said as they both again burst in laughter.

They directly sat on their sit after entering in their classroom as teacher wasn't in there.

''So how was your date with your now fiances and am sure u are not a virgin any longer, right?.''

Tae asked with a teasing smile, he is meeting him after 2 days as yoongi and hobi took jimin with them for a short trip.

while jimin blushed and secretly rubbed his diamond ring on his ring finger which yoongi and hobi made him wear together when they proposed him 2 days ago.

''N-no am not. now shut up idiot and tell me when you gonna propose jungkook hyung.''

Tae signed and said ''never.''

Jimin looked at him like are you even serious.

''The fuck tae, I know you love jungkook hyung they why you won't marry him.''

''Because bunny hyung don't want that chim. He don't believe in marriage vows, he said he accept me as his husband by his full heart and that's what matter to him and now me also.''

Jimin didn't say or ask further anything further about this topic as he understands tae words.

''Then what about today's plan.We are going to do that or not?''

''Off course we are doing chim and moreover we need to do for our lovers because we have tried telling them but them immediately rejected this on our face, like the hell we should be the one being scared but those idiot mafia's were scared.''

Jimin laughed listening tae but then he bitten his lips felling nervous and tae noticed so he assured jimin saying.

''Don't worry,i have talked with namjoon and jin hyung ,they will help us.''

''Don't be nervous chim, everything will be alright.''

Tae whispered as teacher had came in the class and now teaching them.


Boring chapter? 🙄🤔
And yaa love you all,💜💜

take care.

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