Between The Sky and Pandora: Neteyam Sully

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Request: So i've seen this edit about quaritch and spider with that song "oh i love it and hate it at the same time, you and i drinking posion from the same vine" and just image it; reader who has an avatar and neteyam as her mate and she told everybody that her was mom was na'vi and her dad was an avatar. When lo'ak and neteyam went to save spider they see reader in her human form and she thinks neteyam is dissapointed in her. Her avatar dies and she has to live with neteyam in her human form. The reader thinks he hates her or smtg. I thank you very much if you could write my ideea or just react <3


You would've never stood a chance with Neteyam as human or even as a dream walker you saw how Spider and Norm were treated so you lied to them, you told that your mother was a Na'vi and your dad was an avatar that had died a little bit after the war. You had spoken to Norm about your concerns and he offered to help you as much as he could since he had experience with the whole double life thing. One thing lead to another and you and Neteyam eventually fell in love and became mates, you hated that you were lying to him about who you really were and would eventually tell him the truth but for now you wanted to enjoy being in love with him. 

 After the scare in the woods, your mates family decided to leave the forest and seek shelter somewhere else which would eventually be with  the Metkayina clan which was no easy task for you to agree to come with them considering your condition but Norm helped you figure out how to do it so you could continue to be happy with Neteyam. Currently you guys were fighting the RDA and you were being dragged to a cell while you wondered what had happened to your friends. 

Neteyam, Lo'ak and Spider were looking through the security cameras of the ship trying to find you when t

"Wait is that y/n?" Lo'ak asked as they pulled up what looked like old footage from the lab before they had left the forest. 

Neteyam didn't know what to think as he looked at the footage where he could see you and Norm talking in human form and he was just so confused because why didn't you tell him? But he did have to admit that you were beautiful as human. 

"Y/n is a dream walker?" Lo'ak asked as Neteyam couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

"You two didn't know? I thought everyone knew that she was a dream walker, I mean I know me and Norm did." Spider asked confused. 

"What do you mean you knew?" Neteyam asked Spider. 

"I mean I would always see her linking up to her avatar at the lab and was jealous that she had one I didn't, I'm surprised that kiri and Lo'ak didn't catch on sooner to what she was." Spider said.

"Bro it doesn't matter, she's still the y/n you love." Lo'ak said not really seeing the big deal in finding out you were human. 

"Go get her bro that way you guys can talk about this once we are safe." Spider said as Neteyam nodded his head. 

You were sat in the cell that one of the RDA had thrown you as a backup plan in case Jake didn't agree to the surrender. You sat there praying that Neteyam and everyone had gotten out of here, when you heard someone messing outside your door making you perk up and you saw the door open and reveal your mate standing there. 

"Neteyam! Thank god!" You said hugging him as he opened the door to the cell you were held in. 

"Ma Nete, what's wrong?" You asked noticing him that he wasn't hugging you. 

"When were you gonna tell me that you were human this whole time?" Neteyam asked making the smile disappear from your face. 

"What are you talking about?" You asked him. 

"I saw the footage of you at the lab back home. You were a dream walker this whole time? Everything make sense now all the times you disappeared and whatnot.."He said with a bitter laugh. 

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