Distance: Dad!Quaritch

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Request: I can imagine a lot of conflicted feelings coming from the reader, so maybe she's getting closer to Quaritch and she's not sure how she feels about that so she distances herself from him. And since everyone seems accepting of this when she's not, she just distances herself from everyone and nobody knows why.

You and your dad....god that word felt foreign on your tongue still even almost six months after building a pretty healthy relationship with him. You still found it hard at times to trust him or believe he's changed after everything he's done especially when you saw him talking to Na'vi people and treating them actually like people and not trying to kill them since the RDA was still around. You couldn't really talk to anyone especially your twin about how you were feeling because it seemed like they all forgave him for his past mistakes and what he did but something in you couldn't. 

So you started to pull away and put some distance between you and him not wanting to start a fight with him or anyone about how you were feeling, knowing that they would all call you crazy or say that you were being unreasonable with him. Your dad was the first to notice the distance you started to put up against him, leaving him wondering what he did to deserve that. He sat there trying to think of if you two had fought, argued, or if he did something to you, but he couldn't think of anything. 

"What's going on Miles? You seem like something is troubling you." Jake said as they walked back to the village with today's hunt. 

"It's Y/N. She's been distant with me lately and I can't figure out what I did." He admitted and immediately Jake understood. 

"She gets like that sometimes, something triggers her old wounds and makes her want to retreat to her old self. I'm not trying to overstep but I could try to talk to her and see what's going on if you would like?" Jake said because you two have a pretty good relationship. 

"I would appreciate that, thank you." Miles said as they reached camp. 

All during dinner Jake noticed how quiet and closed off you were with not only Miles but as well everyone and usually you loved to talk to everyone, so he now he knew for sure that something was going on with you. After dinner, you were about to leave, and go sit by the pond just to be away from your dad for a bit when a hand stopped you. 

"Hey, can we talk? I feel like we haven't talked in a while." Jake said as you nodded your head following him so you could talk. 

"Are you okay? Is anything bothering you? I couldn't help but notice at dinner how quiet you were." He asked you making you sigh. 

"Actually.......nothing it doesn't matter, you'll think I'm crazy." You said. 

"Hey, I have never thought you were crazy, what's going on? You know that I'm always here." He said to you. 

"It's my dad." You said. 

"What's going on did something happen?" He asked you. 

"No, it's more old fears that are preventing me from getting closer to him than I already am. I still feel like his getting close to me and spider, to learning about the Na'vi is all some big trap to hurt us, especially with the RDA lurking around. I know I sound crazy..." You said. 

"No, you don't sound crazy, you have every right to feel this way, I still have those fears as well. But I can say that surprisingly your dad keeps showing us that he is genuinely  in wanting to be a part of the Na'vi and having a relationship with you and your brother, but I think you should talk to your dad about how you are feeling, instead of closing him out because he is trying." Jake said as you nodded your head. 

"Thank you, Jake." You said hugging him. 

"Of course sweetheart, I'm always here if you need it. Now go talk to your dad." He said as you pulled away and headed home to find your dad. 

You made your way home and saw your dad sitting there sharpening his knives until he heard your footsteps making him look up at you. 

"Hey sweetheart, everything okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah um do you think we could talk? About how I've been acting lately?" You said to him nervously.

"Sure. What's been going on with you? I couldn't help but notice that you've been pulling away from me and I'm sorry but I can't figure out what I did." He said. 

"I know you didn't. It's just that with the RDA still hanging around, you getting to know us and the Na'vi still feels like some kind of trap and I know I shouldn't be thinking that when you've proven that you aren't with them anymore...but I can't help it and it scares me..I'm sorry."  You said to him as you felt the tears leak down your face. 

"Oh, sweetheart." He said standing up and making his way towards you and wrapping his arms around you, feeling his heartbreak at seeing your tears. 

"I'm sorry I know it's totally unfair to you, given everything you've done to prove yourself to us." You said as he rubbed a hand up and down your back. 

"Hey hey look at me." He said kneeling in front of you so he could properly look at you.

"You don't have to apologize for feeling this way...I don't have the best track record with Pandora and the Na'vi people so I totally understand how you are feeling...but I promise that now that I have you and your brother back in my life I will never do anything in this world to mess that up... and I will continue working for your trust if it takes the rest of my life. I love you sweetheart and don't want to ever lose either of you again." He said hugging you. 

"I love you too dad." You said. 

Jake came back the tent to make sure you didn't kill your dad and actually talked to him, he took a peak in and smiled when he saw you and Quaritch hugging. 

"Thank you." Quaritch mouthed to him as Jake smiled at the sight. 

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