Chemical: Z-Dog

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Now Z-dog was officially worried, this was three days since she had seen you anywhere on base. Usually, you run into each other at breakfast and end the day in one of ya'lls rooms but nothing it was like you disappeared and it worried her. Grabbing the gifts off your desk that she had been leaving, she made her way towards your room hoping to get some answers. She entered the code to your room and saw your sleeping form so she quietly walked in and set the gifts on your table before taking a look around the room noticing the piles of tissues and medicine bottles sitting next to the bedside table making her frown.

"Oh, sweet girl." She said sadly running a hand through your hair hating that you were sick.

She stood up and started cleaning up your room trying not to disturb you. After cleaning up your room, she quietly ducked out of your room to go get some food and another surprise for when you woke up.

You woke up to your head pounding meaning it was time for your next dosage of medicine. You slowly sat up with your achy bones and that's when you noticed your room was cleaner than it was when you fell asleep which made you confused until your door opened and you saw your girlfriend walk in with food and a hoodie draped across her arm.

"Alicia baby what are doing here? I'm sick, you can't be around me." You said as she set the food on the table and took a seat at the end of the bed.

"Now I know but you had me worried...three days I didn't see or hear from you and I even left gifts for you at the desk! I thought maybe you changed your mind about me." She said quietly as you frowned reaching for her hand.

"No no, I promise I didn't. I'm sick and didn't want to get you sick either, I thought I would be better by now. I'm sorry." You said looking at her.

"No don't apologize, I'm glad your not sick of me and okay for the most part. I just missed you is all." She said smiling at you.

"I missed you baby. But did I hear you mention gifts?" You asked with a small smile.

"You did, would you like to see them?" She asked as rapidly nodded your head at her.

"Well, I remember you talking about crystals and how much you love them so I got you a few more for your collection." She said handing you a few different crystals that were different in size, shape, and color.

"They're so beautiful! Thank you!" You said hugging her with a huge smile on your face until you the movement made you wince.

"Are you okay princess?" She asked concerned hearing you wince.

"Yeah I just need to take my next dosage of medicine, my body still hurts somewhat. I was just so excited that I forgot." You said making her smile.

"Well I did bring you some soup, so how about you eat your soup so you can take your meds and I finish showing your gifts?" She offered.

"That sounds nice actually." You said as she handed you the bowl of soup.

You ate and gave her your input on the different gifts which included notes, flowers, and a hoodie from her which was personally your favorite.

"Thank you, baby, really thank you. I appreciate everything so much." You said pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You're welcome. Just next time maybe could you tell me that you aren't feeling well so that way I can come to take care of you?" She asked.

"I will. I promise." You said as you took your medicine.

"Well I have the day off, so I was thinking that maybe some cuddles and a movie would make you feel better." She said making you smile.

"I think it would too." You said as she got stood up and grabbed your tablet before laying next to you and pulling you in her arms.

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