My Best Friend: Dad!Jake Sully

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Request: Can you also please make more of Jake Sully being our dad and him just absolutely adoring us, us being his baby girl and you know caring for us so much. Pls😋


Your dad was absolutely nervous when he first heard that he was a girl but the second he held you in his arms and you looked up at him with your eyes, he swore he would do anything for you and then when you were about 3 or 4, you said something that made his heart swell. He had been sitting there playing with you while your mom took care of a sick Neteyam, you had to play with his dreads, when you said it. 

"You're my best friend daddy." You said to him with a smile.

Jake was stunned into silence as you went back to playing with his dreads, before coming here he had never seen himself having kids, let alone having one refer to him as their best friend. 

"That's good because you're my best friend babygirl." He said with a smile as he placed kisses all over you making giggle. 

As you grew up, your dad and you did everything together, you were always there helping and wanting to learn whenever possible, you were his little shadow. You had a fascination with his blue armband that he had first made when he joined the clan, so he ended up giving it to you to have, even if it was a little big on you right now, he knew you would grow into it. Well, one day it ended up falling off of you, and you were devastated and came home in tears worried your dad was going to be disappointed in you. 

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" Your dad asked seeing your tears. 

"Daddy, I swear I didn't mean to lose it!" You said in hysterics as he tried to comfort you. 

"Breathe baby, what did you lose?" He asked you as he rubbed your back.

"The armband you gave me. I promise I didn't mean to lose it." You said to him as he wiped your tears. 

"It's alright baby, look it's right here. I noticed it had fallen off on your way out, I was going to see if I could fix it so it fits you better." He said as you let out a sigh of relief.

"No more tears, it's gonna be alright." He said hugging you as you hugged him back. 

Your mom smiled seeing you sound asleep against your dad, you had gotten sick while your dad was away on a hunting trip and was absolutely restless until he came back. The second he came back and saw how miserable you were, he went into taking care of your mode, everything else could wait. 

"Oh baby girl, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here to take care of you." He said brushing some of your hair out your face. 

"It's alright Dad, you're here now."You said giving him a soft smile as he pressed a kiss on your forehead. 

You had been artistic from an early age, what started off as bracelets and necklaces, evolved into paintings and much more and your dad would love it when he could just sit and watch you draw or paint, watching you do what you love brought him so much joy.

"Here come paint with me, Dad." You said sliding the canvas between the two of you. 

"Babygirl, I don't know I'm not really an artist." He said.

"Please?" You asked looking up at him. 

Your dad looked at you and was brought back to a time when you were little and smiled.

"Anything for my best friend." He said smiling at you as he started drawing on the canvas with you. 

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