You Could've Died: Tonowari

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Request: tonowari x reader: Maybe the reader is a great warrior and has a near-death experience that scares tf out of her mate and kids


The second you heard that your kids were in danger from defending a Tulkan, you wasted no time in grabbing your spears and following Jake and Neytiri as someone went to find your husband and tell him what was going on. You climbed on your Skimwing and followed Jake out to where the demon shop was, where you saw your kids tied up making your hiss, as your kids were your entire world and if something happened to them, you would never forgive yourself. 

You dove underwater and swam around to the backside of the ship and climbed aboard, where Jake's kids saw you and you motioned for them to be quiet as you ran up and cut the first guy's neck before untying them. 

"Go to your parents' now." You said to them as they thanked you. 

You continued to make your way through the ship killing each one of these people who dared take any of the children. Your husband arrived at the scene worried about his kids and you, but he knew that once the kids were in danger, these guys stood no chance. He watched as one of the guys aimed a gun at you while you were untying your daughter, so he threw his spear, killing him instantly as you turned and smiled at him. 

"Thank you." You mouthed to him as he smiled at you as you finished untying your daughter. 

"Let's go, Mama!" Your daughter said pulling on your arm as you saw that Jake and Neytiri were still struggling. 

"Mama she right, we should get out of here." Tsierya said to you.

"Go to your father. Jake and Neytiri need my help. I'll be right behind you. I love you." You said to them as you placed a kiss on each of their heads.

Your husband couldn't understand what you were doing until he saw you helping the sully's and sent your daughters home which they didn't like knowing that both of their parents were in danger but he couldn't leave you.

 You both helped the sully's rescue their kids and fight off the RDA. You were getting ready to leave when you saw Quaritch aim his gun at Neyetam, and without a second thought, you pushed him out of the way, feeling the bullet pierce your skin.

"NO!" Tono screamed watching you fall, as he swam over to where you were.

"Check for an exit wound!" Jake said as he swam over to where you two were, Tono lifted you and let out a sigh of relief when he didn't see one.

"There isn't one." He said holding you in his arms. 

"We need to get that bullet out of her skin, as soon as possible." Jake said to Tono who nodded his head. 

"Tono my love is that you?" You asked sleepily reaching for your husband's hand.

"Yeah, it's me, my love. Your gonna be okay, we're gonna get you some help, okay?" He said as you nodded your head. 

By the time you guys returned back home, you were out cold as Tonowari carried you to the healer's tent to get help, and your kids became worried when they saw him carrying your unconscious body. 

"OUT! ALL OF YOU!" The healer screamed as Tonowari took his kids outside of the tent, promising that you were gonna be okay, even if he wasn't sure himself. 

It was about three hours later when the healers finally came out and said that they removed the bullet and you were now sleeping. Your husband walked into the tent and smiled at the sight of you sleeping and breathing. He placed a kiss on your forehead and took a seat next to you and held your hand until the healers kicked him out for the night.

"Daddy wake up, mama's awake." Your youngest daughter said shaking him.

"Come on dad, wake up. Mom's asking for you." A'onung said groaning as he tried waking him up earning a groan from him. 

"Alright, I'm up!" He said as your children dragged or attempted to over to the healer's tent where you and Tsierya were at. 

Your husband smiled when he saw you sitting up and holding your daughter, you sent him a smile back as your other two children came running over to you. 

"Took you long enough." You said to him as he placed a kiss on your lips. 

"Glad to see your awake, how are you feeling?" He asked you lacing his hand with yours. 

"My shoulder hurts a bit but other than I feel fine. How are you guys doing?" You asked him. 

"Better now that your awake, we were all a mess after what you did." He said to you making you sigh. 

"I'm sorry I just couldn't let something happen to Neyetam, all I kept thinking if what was one of our kids, and they were in our situation." You said looking at him.

"I know you couldn't. I just can't imagine a world without you in it." Tonowari said kissing your hand.

"Good thing, you don't have to, my love." You said squeezing his hand with a smile.

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