I Would Die For You: Tsu'Tey

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I can feel you under my skin

I feel helpless, I'm addicted

I've never felt anything like this

I inhale you, I am weightless

And no matter what I thought

All I want is you

All I want is you

Tsu'tey remembers the first time he saw you and how beautiful you were, he didn't care that you were a dream walker.  He never thought he would fall for someone again after Sylwanin but he couldn't deny that funny feeling he felt in his chest when you smiled at him or the first time you spoke to him.

"Hi, Tsu'tey. I'm y/n." You said softly looking up at him.

"Pretty name for an even prettier girl." He said placing a kiss on your knuckles as you smiled up at him.

From that moment forward Tsu'tey made it his mission to be around you in some shape or form. Even when you weren't around Tsu'tey could still feel you around him and under his skin even when you weren't around, he felt like he was addicted to you and that he couldn't live without you.

He had to have you and that was all he focused on making happen.

And no matter what I say

I will not be thrown away

I'd risk it all for you

I'd die for you

You remember the day that one of the warriors who weren't fond of you or any sky people had laid his hands on you. You two had been sparing when he went way too far with it, leaving you with a broken nose and sprained wrist before taking off with a laugh. Jake had found you stumbling through the woods, and helped you back to the camp so you could get looked at.

"Who did this to you huh?" Tsu'tey said barging into the tent.

"Tsu'tey brother..." Jake tried to say to calm him down but Tsu'tey was seeing red from seeing your condition.

"Who did this to you?" He yelled making you whimper and scoot back on the cot in fear.

"Tsu'tey, you need to calm down! You're scaring her." Neytiri said patting your other arm that Mo'at wasn't working on in comfort.

Tsu'tey looked at you and your frightened state and felt his anger dissolve, he never wants you to be afraid of him. He asked Neytiri to switch spots with him so he could talk to you, which she agreed to before leading Jake out of the tent.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just upset that someone had to put their hands on you." He said running a hand through your hair.

"It's my fault. I actually believed that they wanted to train with me." You said as Tsu'tey began connecting the dots on who did this to you.

"It's not your fault yawne, believe me. I will deal with whose responsible for this." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.

A few days later, you were in your tent resting your hand as Mo'at requested when Jake and Tarsem pushed a bloody version of your mate into your tent making you look at them wide-eyed.

"He nearly killed them. Please clean him up and try to calm him down." Jake asked.

"Should've let me finish the job." Tsu'tey grumbled.

"Tsu'tey why would you do that? You could've lost your title and your spot in the clan?" You asked him as you cleaned him up after the fight.

"I'd risk everything to know you are alright. The skwang should've never put his hands on you in the first place." He said placing his hands on your hips.

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