Right Here in my arms: Lyle Wainfleet

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Request: i don't know if you are taking requests but could you do something with lyle x reader where he just loves clingy to the reader meaning he constantly has her hands on her and just loves on her?


"Could you put these on the top shelf?" You asked your 9ft boyfriend who was currently draped over you like a giant teddy bear.

"Sure thing sweetheart." He said placing the jar on the shelf for you before wrapping his arms around you.
This was a common occurrence for you to be seen with your giant boyfriend draped over you, especially after missions, he was always glued to your side and loving on you in any way possible.

"Hey y/n, hi lyle. Y/n before you two leave for the night can you drop these reports off for me?" Your boss asked.

"Sure thing boss." You said

"Come on my love, we've got a few reports we need to drop off because I finish for the night." You said with a smile reaching for his hand.

As you made your rounds to get the few reports passed off, your man kept his arms around you pressing a few kisses to your neck making you giggle.  Ever since he had returned from his mission last night he's been more clinger than usual but you didn't mind you knew he tell you when he was ready.

"You wanna grab some food before heading back to your room?" He asked you as you handed off your last report.

"Sure thing. I think they're serving tacos today for dinner." You said as you two began towards the cafeteria. 

 You two made your way inside the cafeteria, grabbing some trays and some food before deciding where to sit when you heard your names being called which made you turn and see some of the recoms waving you two over to them.

"Y/N! Lyle! Come sit with us!" said Zdog, Mansk, and Prager.

"No, I just wanna be with you right now.." Lyle whined as you guys walked over to the table where they were sitting at. 

After eating and talking to his friends for a bit, you two made your way back to your room where you got changed while he shut the blinds and locked your door for the night. After you got changed you climbed into bed, and then he did where he laid his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around you.

"You wanna tell me what's going on? Your clinger and quieter than normal not that I mind, But I'm also worried about you." You said lightly running your hand over his scalp. 

"We had to integrate this one na'vi couple about Jake and his family whereabout's and they wouldn't give up any information basically denying that they knew who they were well Quaritch didn't like that so he had me like gun her down and the husband nearly lost it and all I could think about at that moment was if that was you, and how I would do anything to protect you and it just made me want to hold on to you as long as I can." He said squeezing you. 

 "I know you would my love, I love you and I'm not going anywhere for a very very long time." You said pressing a kiss on his forehead. 

"Good because I'm not either, I love you y/n." He said pressing a kiss to your lips.

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