Admiration: Neyetam Sully

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Request: Can you do something with Neteyam, that the reader is human but gets an avatar and Neteyam admires her even more than her human appearance


You were beyond excited when Max told you that they finally had an avatar for you. You had been wanting one for the longest time, tired of having to wear the expo mask every time you left the lab, not being able to keep up with the Sully kids more specifically your boyfriend Neyetam who you wanted to do more stuff with.

"So what happens now that I have an avatar?" You asked Max.

"Basically we would put you to sleep, and your human body would be like grace's, and we would transfer your memories all over your avatar which can take a week or a year to transfer over depending on you and once you wake up, we'll take you out to the field and help you get adjusted to being an avatar." He said as you nodded your head.

"We found that some people do better if their loved ones are with them when the transfer happens. I can talk to Neyetam and everyone if you need me to." He offered.

"Thanks, Max, I'm gonna try and talk to them first and see how they react, if that's okay?" You asked him.

"Of Course, I'm so excited for you kid." Max said hugging you.

You made your way out of the lab and over to high camp, thinking about how you were going to bring up the whole avatar thing to the sully's and you prayed that they would support especially Neyetam. You just wanted to have a normal life with him and not be considered so fragile, slow, and constantly have to wear a mask every time you went outside on this beautiful planet.

"Y/n, my child. We are getting ready to have dinner, please join us." Neytiri said to you.

"Actually I was hoping to talk to you guys about something." You said to her already feeling nervous as she called everyone into the tent.

"What's going on y/n?" Jake asked noticing how nervous you seemed.

"Um...Max has me an avatar....and I would like you very much if you guys were there with me while the transfer happened." You said to them.

"Really? How?" Neyetam asked you excitedly.

"Um, I'm not too sure, but I guess him and the other scientists got tired of me constantly complaining about this mask, they finally got me one." You said to him.

"He probably got annoyed with you complaining about not being able to kiss Neyetam outside of the lab." Lo'ak said as you rolled your eyes before Kiri smacked upside his head.

"This is great news sweetheart, I'll definitely be there with you the entire time...just imagine the stuff we will be able once you become na'vi." He said squeezing your hand as you smiled at him. 

"Will you guys be there as well?" You asked Jake and Neytiri who had become like second parents to you.

"Of course, we will dear. We're so happy for you." They said hugging you as you smiled.

For the next week, Max had you record videos that would help you once you transitioned and get adjusted to your new body and in between those Neyetam and everyone kept talking about how excited they were about getting an avatar and whatnot. Jake was really helpful with talking to you about what the transition would be like, and how he navigated it, and promised he would be there for you.

"I'm nervous Ney." You said hesitating as you two stood outside of the lab. 

"Hey, sweetheart there is no reason to be nervous. I'm gonna be there with you the whole time, try not to think of the negative and more of it like the start of our new life together, okay?" He said to you as you nodded. 

"Your right. Alright, let's get this over with." You said to him giving a soft smile as you two walked into the lab where Max was waiting for you. 

"You ready y/n?" He asked you as he had you climb up on one of the beds so he could start getting you hooked up. 

"Yeah, I am." You said a Neyetam squeezed your hand. 

"Alright say your final words, so we can put you to sleep and begin the process." He said once he finished hooking you up. 

"I love you Neyetam, so much I just want you to know that." You said to him.

"I love you too, sweetheart, and I can't wait to see you once you wake up, I'm gonna be right here the entire time." He said placing a kiss on your forehead. 

For the next week, Neyetam and his family each took turns coming to visit you and talk to you even if you couldn't talk back to them, just so you knew they were there and supporting you during this transition. You slowly opened your eyes and let them get adjusted to the bright lights as you lifted your hand, and saw that you were blue. 

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Jake asked making you turn towards him and Max. 

"Good my throat feels a little dry. Can I get some water please?" You asked them as Max went to get you some water, as Jake helped you sit up. 

"Alright now, do you feel any numbness, tingling, or anything?" Max asked as you wiggled your toes and fingers, moving your legs off the bed, and slowly standing. 

"No, I can feel everything. Do you think I could try and walk around?" You asked as they nodded their heads.

Neyetam had finished up his duties and made his way on to the lab to check on you when he saw his dad, Max, and you outside the lab. He stopped in his tracks ducking out of your vision, and just stood there admiring you. You were pretty as a human but it was like all those features had become amplified as a Na'vi, you were so beautiful now. 

"Ney! What do you think?" You asked him excitedly as he finally made himself known.

"I think you look so beautiful. How do you feel?" He asked you. 

"I feel great!" You said smiling at him as you began showing him what you could do, all while he sat there with a smile on his face watching you. 

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