You and Me Forever ii: Tsu'Tey

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Request: I would love it if a 6-year Time skip part 2 of You and Me Forever was written. I absolutely loved the first part!!!!!!


Six years. Six beautiful and happy years with Tsu'tey, where do you even begin? Well for starters, Tsu'tey was Jake's second in command and was in charge of training the new warriors and you were one of the main healers of the clan. The main thing that had changed for you two while you guys waited for your avatar to grow, was that you two had adopted Spider as your own.

You two had been in the lab talking with Max and Norm about how your avatar was growing and what would happen once it was grown and everything when you heard the sound of familiar footsteps running towards you.

"Y/n!" You heard making a smile appear on your face as you bend down and picked up Spider.

"How are you, my gorgeous boy?" You asked him as Tsu'tey watched with a smile as Spider talked to you.

"You can touch him, babe, he's not gonna break." You said looking at Tsu'tey who was very worried about touching the child due to the major size difference.

Tsu'tey ran a hand through the boy's hair which made Spider smile as he looked at him before turning his attention toward you.

"Is this the kid everyone's been referring to including you?" He asked you as you sighed.

"Yes but that ass isn't his father, as far as I'm concerned, he's an orphan like me 'Tey, he doesn't have anyone, these guys barely remember he exists most days." You said which made Tsu'tey frown, the child didn't deserve that kinda treatment.

"We could adopt him, take care of him as our own." Tsu'tey said giving you a smile that made you smile.

"Really? I was gonna ask you eventually but I just wanted you two to meet today." You said to him with a smile.

"I don't want to wait a minute longer, I will talk with Jake about what we need to do so that he can live with us and go from there." He said looking at Spider with a smile already imagining what it would be like to raise the boy.

"You hear that Spider? You gonna come to live with me and Tsu'tey?!" You asked him which made him smile.

After talking with Jake, Tsu'tey with the help of Norm had extra masks and oxygen reserves brought over to his home for Spider. He also made some new toys for Spider since the ones he had made for Jake's kids when they visited you two were a little damaged. Spider fit in so well with the village children often seen hanging around with Jake and Neytiri's kids, and you got to see a new side of Tsu'tey as a father which made you even more excited to have children with him.

Currently, Tsu'tey was preparing for his hunting trip that him and Jake were taking some of the new warriors on, while Spider played with his toys and you worked on making a new necklace for Spider.

"I'm gonna miss you both so much." Tsu'tey said hugging and kissing both you and Spider as he got ready for his hunting trip.

"It's only a few days my love. I think we can manage, ain't that right buddy?" You asked your son who was playing with his toy ikran.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna miss Daddy." He said looking making Tsu'tey smile.

Oh yeah, Spider was a total daddy's boy, he was his father's shadow and Tsu'tey treated him as such making him his own bow and everything, though there were moments when he was a mama's boy as well.

Tsu'tey had been gone a few days so far and you and Spider were doing well and still talked with him every night through the cell phone. The next day Max and Norm called you to let you know that your avatar was ready. After asking Neytiri if she could come with you so she left Neteyam and Kiri with Mo'at and came with you and Spider to the lab.

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