Fatherhood: Tsu'tey

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It all felt like a dream to Tsu'tey sometimes, waking up to you next to him, or the fact that he got his other wish in this world to be a father to three beautiful children Akätxo the firstborn son who wanted to be like his father,  Eyeyätxzi the second and rebellious son, and Äsnawlìawng, the youngest and his first daughter who had him absolutely wrapped around her finger.

Tsu'tey was getting ready for a mission in the morning, where he was helping train the new warriors including Akätxo and your daughter was absolutely upset about him leaving since this was the first time he has left since she was born.

"No daddy, you can't go." She said clinging to him as she softly cried breaking your heart.

"Oh, Äsna." You said looking at her as your mate felt conflicted about what to do, he knew that he had to help train the new warriors but he didn't want to leave his baby girl in tears.

Äsna was a total daddy's girl, they were always together it didn't matter if Tsu'tey was training or whatnot she was always with him. Sure he had gone on missions where he was gone for a few hours but never on trips that were a few days or a week, so she didn't know how to handle the idea of him being gone for that long.

"It's alright angel, I'm not going anywhere." He said hugging her and placing a kiss on her forehead as her cries died down.

"Mom is Äsna gonna be okay?" Akätxo asked concerned about his little sister.

"Yeah baby, she will. She's just having a hard time with your dad leaving tomorrow." You said to him.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" You asked him.

"Yeah I am, I can't believe that I finally get to go on one even if it is just helping carry weapons with Neteyam." He said making you laugh.

"Your gonna do great my son." You said to him.

"Thank you again mom for letting me go." He said hugging you as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.

A little bit later you went to check on Tsu'tey and Äsna, you found her sound asleep next to him in your bed making you smile. He noticed you by the door and it brought a smile to his face that mirrored the wore you at the sight of them.

"She okay?" You asked him.

"Yeah, she just wore herself out. I'm conflicted on what to do because I did promise Akätxo that he could go but I don't want to leave her." He said.

"Well Akätxo could still go you know Jake and Tarsem wouldn't let anything happen to him and you could stay with us if you want, I'm sure they would understand." You said to him.

"I know I just don't want to let anyone down." He said sighing as you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him.

"My love your not letting anyone down if you stay or if you go. You are an amazing father, warrior, and mate and it's okay to put yourself first sometimes." You said to him feeling him squeeze you.

"Thank you ma y/n, I don't know what I did to deserve you." He said pressing a kiss to your lips.

"Everything. Now go talk to Jake, so we can talk to Akätxo and her about the plan, okay?" You said as he nodded softly climbing off of the bed and going to find Jake. 

Tsu'tey found Jake and explained the situation who more than understood what he was going through, and told him that they would keep an eye on Akätxo so that he could still tag along and Tsu could stay home with his baby girl. 

"You were right as always, ma y/n." He said wrapping his arms around you.

"Usually am, funny how that works. Do you wanna tell them now or in the morning?" You asked turning and facing him.

"Let's tell them now, I can't bear to see her tears again." He said making your heart swell at how close they were. 

"Softie." You said nudging him as he called the kids into the main room so he could update them on what was happening.

"Okay guys, I spoke with Jake and I will not be going on the mission tomorrow morning but instead Akätxo you will be going with Jake and his son Neteyam who will watch over you so that I could be here with your sister...I'm so sorry son, I wanted to be there with you for your first trip." Your mate said. 

"It's alright dad, I understand, and I mean it's not technically my first hunting trip I'm just carrying weapons so you still have time to come on my first one, but thank you for letting me go." He said hugging Tsu'tey making you smile at his words. 

"Thank you, son, that means a lot coming from you and I can't wait to hear all about it." He said making you smile. 

"So you're staying daddy?" Your daughter asked with a big smile on her face. 

"Yes, I am going to be here with you my princess, my knuckleheaded son, and my beautiful mate." He said as everyone gathered into a big group hug. 

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