Tsu'tey & His Favorite Human! Headcanons

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Request: I need hc's of Tsu'tey and human!reader like how they met, how they became friends and etc, I think it would be cute <3


How They Met:

-She had been out in the forest exploring for a few days with Norm and Dr. Augustine when Tsu'tey first laid eyes on her.

-He had been out hunting when he heard their voices and decided to watch them from the sidelines trying to see what they were up to before taking off since they weren't harming anything or anyone

-It would be a few days later when he heard a yelp making him alert and run towards the source where he saw her laying face first on the ground.

-He helped her and asked if she was okay, checking over for injuries but now up close he could see how beautiful she was even if she was a Sky Demon.

-She thanked him for helping her and when she got back to the lab, and told everyone what happened they were all in shock as they all knew Tsu'tey wasn't fond of humans.

-that night she lay in her room thinking about the handsome warrior that had helped her today and hoped she would run into him again

-Tsu'tey lay in his hammock thinking about the pretty sky demon he had seen and hoped he might run into her again.

After Her and Jake Get Invited to Camp:

-Despite her not having an avatar she was still invited to learn the way of the people along with Jake which made her smile

-Tsu'tey didn't know what to think when he got assigned to teach you the way of the people, i mean how was he supposed to teach you when you were a human

-he remembers the night of asking why she didn't have an avatar and the sadness that spread across her face. "I got hurt in my avatar, and now I can't use it until they fix it so I'm stuck like this" she said as Tsu'tey frowned at her words.

-Even though she was human she did try to keep up with them and learn their ways even if it took her longer than normal.

-Tsu'tey was impressed by her and how well she was able to complete some of the tasks and how she didn't give up if she couldn't complete one.

-the more time they spent together, the more they learned about one another. He learned about her favorite things, her life before Earth, and her time having an avatar. She got to know him and his favorite things, his family history, and he even told her about his first love.

Them Officially Being Friends and Possibly Something More:

-So Mo'at asked reader to start healing training since she saw how reader was with helping out members of the clan who were hurt

-Tsu'tey always accompanies her when she has to go into the forest, bringing her back herbs, and allowing her to practice her skills on him

-whenever Tsu'tey gets hurt, he immediately goes to her even if it's a small scratch just to see her worry her little heart over him being hurt

-them going for rides on ikran, he loves seeing how happy reader gets whenever they ride, or when she gets to feed his ikran

-he makes her traditional clothing so she can "fit in" but really he thinks she looks so pretty in them

-sometimes they will lay out in their secret spot together and talk about everything and anything until fall asleep in each other's arms.

-one time the reader got attacked by some of the Navi that didn't accept humans and Tsu'tey was fuming and nearly killed them

-He loves to carry reader in his arms, and his heart nearly melts every time she falls asleep against him 

-Reader loves to be picked up and carried by him so much, that they could be talking with Jake and Neytiri that she will look at Tsu'tey and be like "carry me and he picks her up and they wave by to Jake and Neytiri who left confused. 

-Him making a bow more suited for reader since she's so little

-Him hurting anyone who lays a hand on her unintentionally or intentionally for example, reader had been watching the warriors hunt with Tsu'tey when the Na'vi next to her accidentally forgot she was there and went to move the hand with his bow in and ended wacking her and breaking her nose. 

-Him putting some of his beads in her hair as an unofficial way of marking her as his but then they kissed and all his plans were ruined. 

-After some internal debate and seeking advice from his friends and Mo'at he decided to finally make reader his officially and he was so happy when she said yes :)

(Courting & Becoming Mates)

-once he started the courting process, he rebuilt his home to make it more livable for her which meant a space for oxygen tanks for her masks and whatnot

-he also built shelves for her herbs and medicine and her other stuff such as her crystals or photos, yeah he studied her room a lot 

-he made a staircase with the help of his friends so she could get up and down to his house with ease

-He also had some of her blankets brought from the lab to his home as well, essentially he brought anything from her room to his home to make it more of her space too. 

-When he finally showed it to her, she was in awe and so much more in love with him after seeing what he did for her with the staircase to inside the home, he truly did care about her 

-His pride and heart soared when she told him that she loved everything about it and him so much followed by a hug.

-Since the reader is human and doesn't have a na'vi right now, she can't properly mate with Tsu'tey by making the Tsaheylu, which worried her alot until he took her to the Spirit Tree and mated with her before Ewya, like he would've done if she was Na'vi. 

-After the mating happened, they could hardly keep their hands off of each other

-Anytime reader feels insecure about being human, he always reminds her how perfect she is, because in his eyes she truly is

-them constantly being with each other, never far apart from one another unless he has to go hunt or train the new warriors and then in that case she is stuck with Neytiri until he gets back

-the two of them constantly doing each other's hair and complimenting each other and making each other sick with how in love they are

-When reader finds out she has to get a new avatar, she was upset until Tsu'tey reminded her that it was him and her forever and that he would still love her as he does now if she never got one which made feel grateful for having him in her life

-her never being able to sleep without him beside her or if they are fighting which is hardly

-her introducing him to human technology such as a camera which he ended up actually liking it especially when he was taking pictures of reader

-when she finally got her avatar he was so happy, probably happier than her, they could do so much more now that she had her avatar

-when she finally gets pregnant, he cries because he didn't think it would be possible 

-him doting on her during her pregnancy and being the best father to their son 

-they ended up having 4 four kids together, three sons and a girl who was a total daddy's girl.

-in the end, the reader and tsu'tey got their happy ending with the person they love most in the world.

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