You & Me Forever: Tsu'tey

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Request: what about tsu'tey and human!reader where she hadn't gotten hurt while in her avatar, so she can't use her avatar?? And they find out they have to grow her a new one, and she worries that Tsu'tey will leave her or not be with her since it takes so long to grow an avatar?


"Y/n, unfortunately, we have to grow you a new avatar, because the nerve damage was so bad on your last one. This is a new one and could take up to six years to grow depending on genetics and everything." Max said as you felt your world come crashing down. 

"Thanks, guys." You said quietly leaving needing some time to be with your thoughts. 

You had made your way through the forest as the tears softly fell down your face, you made your way back to high camp and towards yours and Tsu'tey's shared tent. You ignored the calls from Jake and Neytiri and slammed the door shut leaving them confused as to what was wrong with you, you walked over to the bed and laid down covering yourself up as you cried to yourself quietly.

You would never be able to fully mate with Tsu'tey, have his kids like you guys planned on, never tame an ikran, or ever be one of the people and once Tsu'tey finds out he would surely leave you for some na'vi girl who can actually provide these things for him. 

Tsu'tey was happy after today's hunt ended earlier than expected, carrying a bouquet of your favorite flowers he made his way towards the camp, excited to see you. He walked into the hut and saw your sleeping form on the bed making him smile, as he walked over to you and took a seat next to you. 

"Hey, yawne, it's time to wake up." He said pressing a kiss on your forehead as you stirred. 

"Come on yawne, you need to wake up."  He said as he watched you open your eyes and blink a few times and that's when he noticed you had been crying. 

"Hey, Ma Tsu'tey." You said sitting up and looking at him. 

"Why were you crying yawne, did someone do something to you?" He asked concerned as you sighed leaning your head on his shoulder. 

"No. I spoke with Norm and Max about my avatar and I got some bad news is all." You said as Tsu'tey reached for your hand. 

"What kind of bad news?" He asked you. 

"That they have to grow me a new avatar which could take up to six years to do so...which means I'll never be able to properly mate with you, have your kids, tame an ikran or anything for six just sucks and I totally understand if you want.." You started to say but the scowl on his face stopped you. 

"Don't you dare say what I think you are gonna say." He said looking at you.

"It's not that I want to say them, but I also know how important starting a family is to you and to be able to mate with someone. It would be selfish of me to try and keep you from that." You said as the tears streamed down your face. 

"I do but you are the only one I see when I picture those things. Y/n I don't care if I have to wait six years or six million, you are the only one I want human or na'vi." He said as he gently rocked your guys back and forth in his arms.

"I'm sorry for overreacting." You said quietly. 

"You aren't overacting my y/n, you had a natural response to that news but I want you to know that six years or if it never happens then we could always look at other options. I promise it's you and me forever." He said looking at you while he dried your tears. 

"You and me forever, I love  you ma Tsu'tey." You said placing a kiss on his lips. 

"I love you ma y/n, in fact, I had gotten you these on my way back from today's hunt." He said handing you the bouquet of flowers. 

"Oh, Tsu'tey they're so beautiful." You said looking at him with a huge smile.

"There's that beautiful smile I love so much." He said smiling at you as he placed a kiss on your lips. 

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