Acrophobia: Tsu'tey

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acrophobia: mental health condition in which the individual experiences an intense fear of heights


You were one of Tsu'tey's top students despite being a dream walker, every task you were presented with you excelled until now. Today you guys were heading up to the Hallelujah Mountains to do some Ikran training and that fucking terrified you to think of how high you were gonna be up without any support other than to fall to your death.

"Hey, you okay?" Jake asked noticing your spaced-out look and how you kept holding on to the side of the mountain as you two walked.

"Yeah....fine." You said giving him a weak smile even though you were freaking out badly inside.

You guys approached the end of the cliff and you looked up and the vines and rocks you would have to climb to get to the first part of the mountains and instantly began shaking. You watched as Tsu'tey began leading everyone up the vines while you stood there frozen in fear at the mere thought of evening conquering this.

"Y/n you coming?" Jake called out catching Tsu'tey's attention who was already at the top of the mountain.

He looked down and saw you run back down the mountain making him concerned as he told his next in charge to take over for him while he went to check on you. He made his way back down the way they came and ran the way he saw you take off. He found you standing somewhat in the forest breathing very heavily as your eyes darted all around you.

"Hey, hey look at me." He said placing a hand on your shoulder and using the other to turn your face towards him.

"You need to relax. Follow my breathing." He said as you slowly began to mimic his breathing which helped calm you down.

"What happened my flower? You've been excited about Ikran training for weeks now." He asked concerned.

"'m afraid of heights like that." You said pointing towards the mountains making Tsu'tey frown and a little confused.

"You are? But you can climb most of the trees and vines just fine and you've been on my Ikran before." He said.

"Because I know if I fall at least the forest is there to break my fall, or like I know you are there with me and wouldn't let anything to me." You said making him smile at the thought that you felt safe with him.

"But there, there's nothing or no one to catch me. I'm sorry this is so embarrassing." You said running a hand through your hair.

"Easy easy my flower. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We can try this another way on a different day for now let's get you back to camp so you can get some rest." He said squeezing your hands before placing a kiss on them.

You nodded your head at his words as he called for his dire horse, he helped you up and you guys rode back to camp. During the ride, he noticed that you had relaxed a lot with it and that brought a warm feeling to his chest. Ever since your arrival, he had been cautious of you but he also found himself falling for you and had been fighting to confess those feelings to you so he had been showing him subtle ways to show you that he felt the same way.

"Hey is she okay?" Jake asked him. 

"She is. Is that a normal sky people thing to be afraid of heights?" He asked Jake. 

"Yeah, it is. It's very common where we are from. If you try again to tame Ikran with her, keep her from looking down and focused on your or something." Jake said as Tsu'tey thanked him.

A few days later, he took you flying on his Ikran around the Hallejuah Mountains feeling you squeeze him a little tighter any time he took a turn a little too close. He arrived at the spot where the Ikrans were and he hopped off before helping you off making sure to keep your eyes away from looking down.

"Okay yawne, remember what I told you?" He asked you. 

"Yes tie the rope around its mouth and climb onto it quickly and make the bond." You said making him smile at how well you remembered.

You slowly started walking over to where the Ikrans were trying to keep your focus on them and not the fall below you. You took a minute to calm your heart down when you felt a hand on your shoulder followed by his voice. 

"You are safe yawne, im right here ready to you catch if anything happens." He said squeezing your hand and making you smile. 

One by one the ikrans started to fly off, but this really pretty blue and pink one hissed at you as you approached it and circled around it as you looped the rope around its mouth which upset it. You quickly climbed on it, trying to hold on to the rope while you grabbed your braid, but your irkan was so restless which resulted in you guys sliding towards the cliff. 

"Make the bond quickly, yawne!" Tsu'tey said as he watched prepared to run to his Ikran. 

"I'm trying!" You said frustrated as you both fell off the cliff making Tsu'tey panic. 

Tsu'tey ran and climbed on his Ikran getting ready to go find you and hopefully prevent your fall when he saw your Ikran fly by his mountain with you on it. 

"Tsu, I did it!" You said smiling at him as he smiled at you. 

"I'm so proud of you! Would you like to go on a fly with me?" He asked as you nodded your head. 

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