I Don't Want Her, I Want You: Lo'ak Sully

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Request: could I request an one shot/hc of lo'ak dating someone who's his opposite


A lot of people didn't understand your's and Lo'ak relationship, he was wild and free and you were quiet and cautious, something that usually didn't work but with you two it did. Lo'ak loved that you were different from him, your shyness was one of the main things that drew him to you and the fact that you always checked on him and made sure he was okay. You loved how adventurous he was, and how he always tried to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and respect if you didn't want to do something.

Mo'at had sent you and Kiri out to go gather some herbs for her when you two saw Lo'ak and Nina. A frown made its way to your face as you watched her giggle and touch all up on him as you and Kiri looked at each other confused as to why he was letting this happen. 

"Let's go, Kiri, we need to get these back to your grandmother." You said having seen enough as your heart was slowly breaking. 

"Y/n, you've been quiet since I sent for herbs. Is everything okay dear?" She asked you noticing that you were quieter than normal. 

"I'm fine, just a little tired is all." You said hoping she wouldn't push the topic anymore.

"She's lying grandmother, she's upset because while we were out gathering, we saw Nina being handsy and flirting with Lo'ak." Kiri said as you hissed at her. 

"Y/n is this true?" Mo'at asked you. 

"Yeah...I mean why would he want someone like me when he can have someone like her...someone who is so carefree, sometimes I wonder if he'll ever get bored of me and realize that he can do better." You said quietly as Kiri wrapped her arms around you. 

"Y/n dear, that boy is crazy about you. Always has been and always will be, I highly doubt that he would let something like you two being polar opposites affect your relationship. You are perfect for him and you need to realize that." Mo'at said squeezing your hand as you nodded your head as Lo'ak and Spider walked in. 

"Hey sweetheart, can I talk to you?" Lo'ak asked reaching for your hand, as Mo'at nodded her head to you knowing her grandson heard everything that was said. 

You grabbed his hand and followed him outside of the medical tent where you two walked for a bit until you guys reached the pasture where you two liked to lay and spend time together. You both took a seat across from each other. 

"Do you really think that I could do better than you?" He asked you almost hurt that you could even think that. 

"Sometimes especially when I saw you with Nina, who is practically your perfect match. I'm not her and I don't want to hold you back if that is someone you want." You said to him.

"First off Nina isn't my perfect match, sure she's crazy like me, but I don't want her, I want you the kindest, sweetest girl in the whole village. The one who has always looked after me, the one who shy's away whenever I compliment her or I kiss her. I want you, not her and I will spend my whole life proving that to you." He said squeezing your hands. 

"Really?" You asked shyly.

"Really sweetheart, as long as you want me around." He said. 

"I'll always want you Lo'ak, I love you. Thank you." You said pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"I love you, sweetheart." He said smiling at you as you two spent the rest of the evening out in the pasture. 

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