Unsteady: Dad!Jake Sully

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Request: Can you please do a Dad! Jake x female! Reader (platonic) where Y/n goes missing and Jake finds her fatally injured?


Your dad was getting worried by the minute he didn't see you, you were supposed to be home by eclipse and every one of your siblings had returned except for you, which was unlike you because you were always home or near home by eclipse.

"Dad! Tsierya said that those girls who had been giving y/n a hard time took her to the middle of the reef and left her there without Ilu or any of her weapons." Lo'ak said immediately making Jake panic.

"I can show you where they took her." Tonowari said as they both headed into the waters and towards their skwimwings.

Meanwhile, you were on some island unsure of what way to get home, trying to figure out what had attacked in the water. You were sitting against a tree clutching your side wondering if any of your family knew you were missing or not, praying to Eywa that someone finds you soon.

Jake felt his blood turn cold seeing fresh blood in the water as they reached the reef, he prayed that he wasn't too late and that by some miracle you were still alive and not floating at the bottom of the ocean. He started calling out your name in hopes that you would answer him back, and it was like his prayers were heard.

"Da-Da-Dad is that you?" You said over the comms.

"It's me where are you, angel?" He asked.

"There's an island about.....South of the reef....but hurry im bleeding." You said making Jake and Tonowari shared a look.

They arrived on the island and found you sitting there clutching your side, your dad slowly lifted your hand and saw a big gash near your ribs.

"She should be fine, one of the animals felt threatened probably from the girls coming out here and she got the receiving end of it." Tonowari said as Jake nodded.

"Dad is that you?" You asked tiredly.

"Yeah, it's me, angel." He said tying a makeshift bandage around your side.

"I knew you come." You said with a tired smile.

"You know I Always will. we're gonna get some help. I just need you to hang on okay?" He asked gently picking you up as you nodded your head.

You let out a whine of pain when got on his swimwing, making his heartbreak as they headed home. By the time you guys got home, you were out cold and Jake climbed off of his skwimwing and headed for the healer's tent.

"Y/n! my child!" Your mother yelled seeing all the blood walking alongside your father.

"What happened to her?" She asked concerned.

"One of the animals out in the reef attacked her, she should be fine." Tonowari said as you dad laid you down on the bed in Ronal's tent.

"He's right. She will make it, she probably passed out from the adrenaline from fighting." Ronal said as your parents let out a sigh of relief.

Your parents watched as Ronal healed you up and your dad noticed your mom was falling asleep, so he lightly nudged her.

"Go get some rest with the kids, I'll stay with her." Your dad said as your mom nodded her head before kissing him goodnight and heading to y'all's mauri.

"She needs to be on bed rest for the next two weeks, the bite was pretty deep and any unnecessary movement will rip the stitches out and she will need to take these to help with the pain." Ronal said handing your dad some medicine.

"Thank you. Thank you both for helping her." He said holding your hand.

"Your welcome and don't worry the girl's responsible for this will be held accountable." Tonowari said as Jake thanked him.

"Thank you, great mother." Your dad whispered quietly placing a kiss to your forehead.

A few hours later your dad felt your stirring around and slowly open your eyes. You were confused as to where you were for a minute because the last thing you remembered was your dad and Tonowari arriving at the island.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"You are in the healer's tent. How are you feeling angel?" Your dad asked.

"Alright. How bad was the bite?" You asked.

"Pretty bad, but you survived, just gotta stay on bed rest for the next two weeks until the stitches come out." He said as you nodded.

"Dad, do you think you can help me sit up please?" You asked as he nodded his head before helping you up.

"Sweetheart, what did you mean at the island when said you knew I would come?" He asked you.

"I was scared and thought no one would find me out there before it was too late. I thought I was gonna die out there daddy." You said quietly.

"I would never let that happen. I'm always gonna protect you sweetheart no matter what." He said hugging you and placing a kiss on your forehead.

He felt you hug him a little tighter as the sobs ripped through your body, so he quietly pulled you closer to him and rocked you back and forth trying to soothe you.

"I love you, daddy." You said quietly.

"I love you too sweetheart. Also just to warn you, your mom was a wreck is probably never gonna let you out of her sight." He said making you laugh.

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