Tshikwa'set: Dad!Jake Sully

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For weeks your dad had been wondering where you were running off to and what or who was making you so happy lately because every time he asked you, you said it was nothing which could be possible but his dad senses were telling him something deeper was going on. So today he decided to follow you, just to see if he could figure out what was going on, he watched as you bid everyone goodbye before disappearing off to who knows where, and he followed a few steps behind you making sure not to make any noise to alert you. He watched as you approached the old labatory and double checking your surroundings before setting inside which made him even more confused but then he saw Tshikwa'set wrap his arms around you and press a kiss on your lips.

"You were sneaking around with Tshikwa'set?" He asked himself not sure why you were hiding this from him.

He was so caught up with his thoughts that he didn't realize that he had stepped on a branch behind him which made you two look in his direction. You locked eyes with your dad and felt your heart drop because this wasn't how you wanted to tell him that you and Tshikwa'set were dating.

"Dad...listen I can explain..." You started to say but he cut you off.

"No need to...I thought we told each other everything but clearly I was wrong." He said making you feel even more guilty as the tears fell down your face.

"Dad please..." You said as the tears fell down your face.

"I'll see you at home." He said before turning and leaving you in tears as Tshikwa'set comforted you.

"It's going to be okay yawne, I'm sure he is just in shock upon discovering us." He said hugging you. 

"I don't know he seemed pretty mad maybe I went about this all wrong." You said quietly. 

"Hey you didn't do anything wrong, he is just acting how every father would upon discovering their daughter sneaking around. I mean I know I would if I discovered our daughter sneaking around with someone and I didn't know." He said making you smile. 

"You think about us having kids?" You asked him with a smile.

"Of course I do. Like I told you, your my future and that's all that matters to me, so of course I dream about the day we have a family of our own." He said. 

"I love you." You said pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I love you more beautiful, you and your dad are going to be okay." He said hugging you.

A few hours later Tshikwa'set walked you home happier to see you in a lighter mood until you reached home and he felt your grip on his hand get tighter. He squeezed yours back to let you know that he was there and that everything was gonna be okay as you two approached your home. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Everything will be okay. I love you yawne." He said pressing a kiss to your lips unaware your father was watching you.

After saying goodbye to him, you swallowed your nerves and walked inside your home where you saw your dad sitting in the corner sharpening his knives. 

"Hi mama, hi dad." You said which only made your father get up and leave making your eyes water. 

"Is it true what your father told me?" Your mother asked. 

"It is. I just wanted to tell you guys on my terms because everyone knows how imitating dad can be, I just didn't want him to scare him off. He's the first boy that looks at me as a person and not the olo'eyktan's daughter, and he makes me so happy." You said with tears in your eyes. 

"oh my sweet y/n. It's going to be okay. Your father will come around, I'm sure he is just hurt at the idea of his daughter already dating." She said to you as you nodded your head. 

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