Changed Man: Dad!Quartich

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You looked at your twin in shock when he came forward and said that he saved your supposed "father" Miles Quartich after what he did to the only parents you two have ever known. You didn't talk to him for weeks, hating him for him doing that especially when he kidnapped you two and basically tried to manipulate you two into turning on the Na'vi the people who looked and care for you after all these years.

You, Lo'ak and Kiri all returned from hunting when Jake stopped you, before stepping inside making you look at him confused and that's when you saw that man and your brother inside the tent making the anger return to your body.

"Absolutely not." You said to Jake who in a lot of ways had become your father.

"I know we said the same thing, but he swears he's a changed man, that he's been learning the ways of our people." Jake said shocking you as you defended him.

"So that doesn't change what he's done! I never expected you out of all people to defend him! I don't want to see him!" You yelled at Jake catching the attention of everyone inside the tent.

"Y/N, wait!" He said but it was too late you were gone, running as he and the rest of the sully's stood there confused, you were usually so helpful, and for you to act like that just now worried them.

"Do you know where she went? I would like to try and talk to her." Quartich said to Jake as he really wanted to build a relationship with you.

"I do dad, I can walk you halfway there and leave you two to talk." Spider offered as Quartich agreed following his son.

"Ma Jake, are we sure that's wise? I mean she could probably kill me right now, not that I'm opposed to it but still.." Neytriri said to Jake more so worried about you than Quartich.

"Give them about an hour and if they're not back then I'll go check on them. This could do them some good." Jake said to her.

You sat by the pond slowly running your hand through it as a million thoughts ran through your head about Quartich and if you wanted a relationship with him. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching until you saw Quartich's face reflected in the water.

"You know you are a pretty fast runner." He said taking a seat next to you.

"Obviously not fast enough, as you still found me...Let me guess my twin gave me up didn't he?" You asked still not looking at him.

"I asked him to. I want to talk to you." He said making you roll your eyes.

"You know you look just like both do...I couldn't believe the news when I got back home and they told me I had not just one kid but two and twins at that...I never saw myself as having kids but then I saw that picture of you and your brother...and then we ran into each other almost a year ago...and when I laid eyes on you I couldn't believe how much you looked like her and how much you were like her...the entire time you were hostage you didn't speak a word and that's when I saw myself in you that loyalty... the warrior spirit is in you. I know I can't change the past but I would like a chance to get to know you without you being a hostage." He said making you look at him.

"What if I do let you in and this is some trap so you can hurt the sully's? Then I'm without the only family I ever known?" You said.

"This isn't a trap, which I know doesn't mean a lot to you but I would like a chance just to prove myself and if I'm like a month you still hate me then you can leave and I won't bother you again." He said.

"One chance. That's it." You said to him making a rare smile appear on his face.

It had been nearly three months since that talk with Quartich and things were going pretty well surprisingly. You still kept your guard up around in just in case but he was actually interested in learning the ways of the Na'vi but more importantly you which impressed him a lot and how well you and spider had adapted to the environment. Today was the day that your new relationship would be put to the rest when you would upset him.

"Do you realize that you could've been killed?! I understand that you grew up with the na'vi but you aren't one of them! You aren't made for this!" He said angrily making you flinch and whimper as you were brought back to the time you were hostage.

Upon hearing your whimper Quaritch stopped and looked at you seeing you crying and your ears covered, it reminded him of the hostage situation and regret filled him.

"Oh angel I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just that you scared me today when you jumped off the cliff like that and hurt yourself. I just got you back and don't want to lose you is all. Im sorry." He said hugging you and feeling you wrap your arms around him.

"It's alright dad, I forgive you." You said quietly making his heart swell at what you said.

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