Aurora Whitlock apologizes as she takes a seat in the middle of the aisle. Everyone looks at her with curious looks and they all hush once I shut the door.

"So the campaigns are starting next week and that goes for all clubs as well," I announce, "Mr. Vince has decided that all candidates that wish to run for any position on the student body or respective clubs have to have a clean record and a 3.0 GPA to at least sign up."

A few groans are scattered throughout the classroom. "What if our GPA drops while we are running?" The photography club president asks.

"You must bring your GPA up in time for the next semester or you are forced to step down," I respond, "As class president, I will be overlooking everything in my grade level and making sure all clubs are attending meetings, keeping up with fundraisers, and actually doing what your club is supposed to do. Same goes for the other three grade level presidents."

"For now," Jane says from the back of the room. A few people howl and smirk at what she just said.

"Leave it for the campaign Jane, no need to interrupt the meeting with your ego," I say.

"At least Jane listens to the students," the gardening club president says out loud. A few others agree with her while others say the opposite.

"Jane has always lost for a reason," Tiffany jumps in, "No one even knows her that well. For all we know she probably wants to make this school a prude school." She says with a roll of her eyes.

"Prude?" Jane scoffs. "Like you're not showing your ass off as many times as you can with that short skirt. If you even want to call it a skirt."

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shut my eyes as I feel the incoming headache start to take place. I could hear Tiffany and Jane going at it while others were trying to intervene.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm sure you're still going to win class president again," Aurora says next to me, watching everything unfold in front of us.

"How are you feeling? Mr. Vince said you weren't feeling your best."

"Just the stomach flu. I think I got food poisoning from that takeout that was delivered to my house," she groans.

Aurora Whitlock was like the prima ballerina at our school. She was the white swan and the role model that all the little girls in Hollow Grove looked up to. Apart from being a good ballet dancer, she also danced with the other dancers and led the choreographs for competitions and such. Having Aurora at our school put us on a pedestal when it came to our dance team.

"Will you be okay for the upcoming recital?" The ballet recital was next week, right after homecoming and to showcase the ballet dancers for potential dancers to sign up and learn to dance.

"I should be, but I also have Brooke by my side to lead if needed."

"If you need any help just let me know. I could always work something around to keep you as dance captain." Aurora smiles.

"Alright that's enough!" I yell once Tiffany gets up in Jane's face. "Jane is still my Vice President so back up."

Tiffany gives Jane one last glare before everyone goes back to their seats. Once everyone has calmed down they all look back at me and wait for the meeting to continue.

─────── ☆*・゜゚・*♡ ───────

I went straight home when the meeting ended on a more positive note. Jane apologized at the end and so did Tiffany. Knowing the history between the two could've escalated things further if it wasn't for other people standing in the same room as them. Tiffany also had a habit of flirting with any man she came across, including those that were taken and she happened to flirt with Jane's boyfriend at the time, causing a whole can of worms to open. Ever since then, they both hate each other's guts.

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