Chapter .X. SHOPPING

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"Those eyes are the eyes that haunt me in my nightmares."

J U L I E T   V A L E N T I N E   POV

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J U L I E T   V A L E N T I N E   POV

Stepping into the store was a completely new experience for me, and being in a bustling mall surrounded by families, friends, and a lot of men was overwhelming.

I held on tightly to Scarlet's arm, seeking comfort and security. Rafael had said something to the boys before we left and bid us goodbye as he went back to work.

Antonio had wanted to join us, but Dante intervened, explaining that they had a work emergency to address. Antonio hesitated for a moment but then saw the seriousness in Dante's expression. He wished us goodbye and followed his brother.

Marco, as usual, was full of energy, walking fast and talking so loudly that it almost startled me. I couldn't help but wonder what he drank to have such boundless enthusiasm, still, Marco was by far one of the few people who didn't make me want to run off to a cliff.

Despite our little moment in the garden, Dante still intimidated me, sending a shiver down my spine.

As we made our way through the mall, I scanned my surroundings carefully, not really looking for anything specific but doing so to feel more secure and aware.

The passing men's gazes made me retreat inward, and anxiety twisted in my stomach. Marco, being perceptive, seemed to sense my discomfort.

He flashed me a reassuring smile, a silent understanding passing between us. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to me.

We gathered the basic school materials we needed-notebooks, backpacks, and other essentials. It felt good to have those things sorted out, knowing we were taking steps towards a new chapter in our lives. The simple act of getting these supplies brought a sense of normalcy and reassurance, I never really had.

"Do you guys have a computer?" Mateo asked, curiosity shining in his eyes.

"No," Scarlet replied simply.

Nicolas, his tone filled with suspicion, couldn't help but ask, "How did you homeschool if you didn't have a computer?"

Fear tightened in my chest, but before I could respond, Violet came to our defense. "You know, there are several ways to homeschool that don't rely on online resources," she countered, her voice calm and confident.

Interrupting any further protests, Mateo stepped in. "Alright, why don't we get you guys a few things?"

We ventured into the store, browsing through different computer models. Marco took the lead and picked out a rose gold pink one for me, a silver one for Violet, and a golden one for Scarlet.

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