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"Sometimes, we ignore what is right in front of our eyes."

V I O L E T    V A L E N T I N E

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I stared at my body, overwhelmed by a mix of disgust and despair as the scars and burns served as haunting reminders of my past. Even though the wounds had healed, the blemishes remained, forming a tapestry of colors that etched stories of pain and suffering onto my skin.

Over time, I had grown accustomed to their presence and mastered the art of concealing them from prying eyes. Yet, a fiery hatred burned within me, fueled by the memories these marks represented, crashing back into my consciousness.

Gazing into the mirror, I saw emptiness reflected in my eyes, with the flames of anger as the sole remnants of my broken mind. Determined to escape this self-inflicted torment, I forcefully tore my gaze away from my reflection.

Since our arrival, I had meticulously observed and analyzed the house. Through my observations, I discovered that the staff was absent on weekends, as Rafael prioritized family time and chose to be with his children. I intended to exploit this advantage, leveraging the absence of staff for my purposes.

Stealthily, I made my way to the kitchen, carefully selecting the necessary ingredients to prepare the tea. I acquired a peculiar vial and skillfully applied a single enigmatic droplet to the tea, casting an unknown and captivating aura over the concoction.

Despite not personally enjoying tea, I had been making it diligently for Juliet, recognizing its ability to alleviate her anxiety. I couldn't help but notice Juliet's deteriorating health-each day, she grew weaker, sicker, and her memory declined. These changes were subtle and required close attention to notice. As I stirred the tea, a lively tune hummed from my lips, a smile playing on my face.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian's voice startled me, causing me to momentarily release the spoon. It spun around the teacup for a few seconds before I regained composure, placing my hand on my chest to calm my racing heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Sebastian said, raising his hands in a surrendering manner.

"No need to apologize, I was just lost in my thoughts," I replied sheepishly.

"I don't think I introduced myself yesterday. I'm Sebastian, one of your brothers," he said, introducing himself.

I smiled . "Nice to meet you, Sebastian."

"What are you doing?" he inquired, moving closer to inspect the tea.

"Just preparing some tea for Juliet. I make it for her every morning to help establish a routine. It helps clear her mind when she's feeling scattered," I explained.

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