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"A new life can't start without the blood of another."

S C A R L E T    V A L E N T I N E

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It was all so sudden. A few days ago would you have told me I was on my way to go live with my billionaire father? I would have laughed in your face and called you a liar.

Only three days ago, we were living with my mother and stepfather, presenting ourselves as a happy wealthy family. However, appearances can be deceiving, and the reality behind our facade was far from pleasant.

Then everything came crashing down.

It was a typical day in our routine. Juliet was preparing dinner while I assisted her and Violet was working on her room. Suddenly, we were interrupted by a knock on the front door.

That's when two police officers informed us about our mother and Stepfather's death. They didn't tell us much, but I could tell there was something off about it.

I was well aware of my mother's friends. I knew the type of individuals they were and she might have gathered some dangerous enemies, but I knew they also had protection from powerful people.

Still, we didn't question them much, I knew better than to ask too many questions.

But something did worry me. If Vanessa and David are dead. What will happen to us?

What would become of our lives?
Would we go to an orphanage?
Foster care system?
Would we be separated?

Questions flooded my mind and I asked one of the police officers who in turn told us that he would take us to the police station for further assistance.

To be honest, a part of me felt guilty for not caring about my parent's death, for not crying and screaming and balling my eyes out. I felt nothing.

They were horrible people and they don't deserve our pity or tears yet I couldn't help but feel guilt.

We waited anxiously at the police station for what felt like hours until our social worker finally arrived.

The thought of being separated from my sisters created overwhelming anxiety. They were the only family I had ever known, I wouldn't know what to do if they separated us.

Just the mere idea of us being torn apart was unbearable. At that moment I made a promise that I would do whatever it took to prevent that from happening.

If the authorities tried to separate us, I was prepared to go run away and take my sisters with me.

But to my surprise, we were informed that our father had decided to take us in to live with him and our older brothers.

I had no idea of my father. I always assume that he was dead or that he had abandoned us, as our mother never spoke of him or my brothers.

Our father was a billionaire and held a prominent position as a respected and well-known businessman in the country, our brothers didn't fall behind either the oldest ones own businesses or were well-known members of society.

Now, I find myself sitting in a car alongside my sisters, on our way to meet our father and our new home.

I was a nervous wreck, what if they didn't like us? Or what if they were worse than Vanessa and David?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the car had come to a stop. I turned my gaze towards the windows to get a better view when I saw the imposing double gates.

We waited for a moment until a man who appeared to be a security guard nodded at us, then the gates swung open. We drove along the long driveway until we reached the front of the grand mansion.

The mansion was an impressive sight, with its expensive size and elegant white and cream color scheme. The large windows and intriguing architectural details added to its beauty.

As I look closer I notice an abundance of vibrant plants and colorful flowers. meticulously arranged around the building. It created a lively and enchanting atmosphere, further enchanting atmosphere further enhancing its beautiful appearance.

"We have arrived, ladies," the driver announced. Violet opened the door and gratefully slid out of the car. I reached towards the back of the car to retrieve our luggage. When the driver, stopped me and said "Don't worry miss, The staff will get your belongings and send them to your bedroom."

"Oh, ok thank you," I told him.

" No problem, miss. Now, please follow me. Your father is waiting for you," he said, tipping his hat. He proceeded to walk towards the mansion and two guards opened the massive doors allowing us to pass through.

The interior of the house was even more extravagant than the exterior, adorned with various paintings, flowers, and artwork.

"Marisol, dear, the Valentine ladies have arrived," the driver announced. Then, a woman who looked like she was in her forties came into the room.

Marisol smiled politely, "Thank you Carter You may go now," she said dismissing him. Cater smiles gently and dip his hat, walking away. "Please meet you, ladies."

Marisol waited until he left to continue, " Welcome to the Valentine estate ladies, I am Marisol the head maid in this place. If you need anything please don't hesitate to come to me, but for now, I will take you to your father's office. He's been waiting for your arrival."

We followed her through the endless halls of the mansion, passing by various rooms, doors, and hallways. It was a surprise we weren't lost yet; this place was huge

She stopped at the end of the second-floor hallway, in front of a white door with a gold handle. On the other side of the door, hanging on the wall, there was a plate that read office.

Marisol gave the door a gentle but firm knock. we waited until we heard a come on him from inside the office

She stepped aside to give us a way and she smiled at us. "Have a good night then." Before I could react she was already walking out of the corridor.

I glance at my sisters, when no one steps in, I step in front of the door and place my hand on the golden handle and let it rest for a moment. Trying to gather some courage, taking a deep breath, I exhale and open the door.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

A U T H O R S   N O T E ✨

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A U T H O R S N O T E ✨

So what do guys think so far? This is my first story so I apologize if it is a bit weird.

I apologize for my grammar errors English is not my first language.

Still, I hope you all like the first chapter of Shattered Pieces, please vote and comment with any suggestions you might have about the story. to know people are reading 😂

Any suggestions?
Don't forget to vote

I think that's all for now so bye.

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