October 31, 2008 (2)

45 12 2

"You're pregnant."

I jumped up from my chair and hugged Jessie.

"No fairs."

Will hugged Jessie as well and kissed her on the cheek.


"How did you know? Did Whisper tell you?"

I laughed. "Whisper didn't say anything. You were beaming, so you either had an incredible night of sex orrrrr..."

Jessie blushed. "Is nothing sacred around this place?"

She sat on a chair. Will offered her a coffee but she declined.

"I want to cut back."

"When did you find out?" I asked, excitedly.

"I took a home test today. Actually I took three tests and they all showed up positive."

"Bobby must be ecstatic?" I said, gleefully.

"He is. He so wants more children."

Jessie had a strange look on her face.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I have just been doing a lot of thinking lately."

"Hey, it's me Jess. What is really wrong here?"

I pulled my chair next to hers and took her hands in mine.

She shook her head and smiled. "I'm fine. I am happy, I really am."

I was not convinced, but I let it slide.

"I am so happy for you and Bobby and Robbie must be ecstatic."

"Oh my God, he is just beside himself. He wants a baby brother one second and a baby sister the next. I don't think he really cares."

Will spoke up. "Well I couldn't be happier for you and Bobby. I know you both really wanted another child."

Jessie smiled, although it wasn't convincing. I knew there was something going on with her. I would have asked Whisper, but she was at the general store.

Jessie changed the subject. "Is all ready for the ceremony today?"

Bobby smiled. "The light was delivered yesterday. I am going to mount it as soon as I finish my coffee."

"Did it come out like you wanted?"

"It is beautiful," I added, "It is so realistic."

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