July 2, 2013 (4)

41 11 1

Jenny was in her room. It was a pretty simple room. We had fixed it up on Whisper's request so Jenny could have somewhere to go at night when she was asleep...

and wouldn't keep her awake.


"Come in."


When I opened the door she was standing in front of the mirrored closet doors.

When she saw me she ran to me and jumped into my arms.

I held her tightly for a minute or so.


I put her back on the floor and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to me. She jumped up on the bed.


"So how does it feel?"


Her eyes were wide and the smile never left her face.

"Alive Daddy. I feel alive."

She jumped of the bed and danced around the room.

"I feel great Daddy."


I watched her as she danced around and my mind flashed back to the day in the mall when I realized that I could change the clothes she wore just by thinking it. She gave the same little dance.

Tears filled my eyes.


She must have noticed because she stopped dancing and walked to me.

"Daddy are you ok?"


I couldn't speak so I simply nodded.


"Why are you crying?"


"Do you remember the first time I saw you?"


She nodded. "Of course I do. It was Christmas day. After I saw my room."


I felt sadder. The room that she was so proud of now belonged to her sister Whisper.




"I will fix this room up for you, just like Whisper's room."


She shook her head.

"That's not necessary Daddy. I love this room. It's beautiful."


I looked around. It was a nice room, but nothing special.

"Is there anything that you would like for the room?"


She thought for a moment.

"New clothes."


I started laughing. She was a girl, no doubt about that.

"We will go to town tomorrow and buy you a whole new wardrobe."


"Thank you Daddy."


"That's no problem sweetie. You need new clothes."


She shook her head slowly.

"Not for the clothes Daddy. For still wanting to be my Daddy."


Again tears were filling my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I want to be your Daddy?"


"I was a Spirit before. You didn't have to feed me or buy me clothes or give me my own room. Now you have to do all of that and spend real time with me and now I am always here."


I put my arms around her and held her close.

"You are our daughter. Mommy and I love you. You sister loves you and so does your brother Zeke. You have always been a part of this family. At least now I get to hold you and feel you in my arms."


"Thank you Daddy. I love you and Mommy so much and Whisper and Zeke."


"I am sorry though."


She looked up at me.



"I didn't get you anything for your birthday."


"Are you kidding Daddy? You gave me a real family."



I was sitting in bed reading a book.




I looked to the door. Jenny was standing in the doorway. I put the book on the nightstand.

"Come in sweetie."


Jenny came in and sat on the edge of the bed.

She was such a pretty little girl.

I pushed the hair back from her face.

"What is on your mind honey?"


Tears filled her eyes.


"Jenny, sweetie, what's wrong?"


She forced a smile. The words were but a whisper.

"Can I lie in bed with you?"


"Of course sweetie."

I moved in on the bed and pulled back the covers. She got under and I covered her up. She put her arms around me and held tight.

"Jenny what's wrong?"


"I'm scared Mommy."



Scared of what?"


She looked up at me. I pulled a Kleenex from the box on the night stand and wiped her eyes.


"I haven't been real for a long time. It scares me a little."


I kissed her on top of the head.

"You have nothing to be scared of darling. You have a Mommy and Daddy that loves you and a brother and sister who both adore you. You are safe here."


I held her tight and lay back in the bed.

She was asleep in a few minutes.

Journeysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें