August 3, 2013

45 11 7

School was finished and the kids were all out for the holidays.


I had just got off the telephone when Jenny suddenly appeared in front of me. I jumped slightly.

"Jenny, remember, no Spirits in the house."


"I'm sorry Mommy," she apologized.

"It still is taking some getting used to."


I couldn't get mad at her.

"I know sweetie, but please try to remember."


She nodded, but quickly added, "I heard you on the telephone. Were you talking to Mr. Tremlin?"


"Sorry sweetie. He might not be at home, but I left a message and our number and I promise I will phone him again, each day, until we get in touch."


"Emails, Mommy."


I hugged Jenny as she slowly transformed to her human form.

"I will send him an email sweetie."


"Thank you Mommy."


She started to disappear again.



The transformation stopped and she took human form.
"Sorry Mommy."


She started off down the hall, her feet floating six inches off the floor.


"Walk Jenny."


"Sorry Mommy."


I heard her sigh.

I laughed slightly. She was still having a hard time adjusting to life as a human again. She was so used to travelling via the Spirit Express, as we lovingly called it, that it was a slow transformation to the human way of doing things..

Being able to do both was something all of us had to adjust too, as both girls could do it with ease.


Whisper was not as anxious to use it as Jenny was. Thankfully she still preferred the old fashioned human way of doing things.


I walked out into the garden. Will was burning some old shrubbery and dead wood in the bonfire pit. Zeke was helping him.


"I swear you would use any excuse to have a fire."


Will smiled.

"What can I say? I am an arsonist."


I kissed him on the lips.

"Be careful, Zeke. Not too close to the fire."


"Ok Mommy."

He ran off to the tree line to get some more branches.


"I swear he will be just like you."

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