August 7, 2009 (3)

41 13 10

Just as we were getting Zeke into his car seat, Will's cell phone rang.

He passed it to me.

"You talk to him. I will drive."

I got in the front seat and answered the phone.

"Bobby, its Eva."

I could tell he was crying.

"Bobby, talk to me."

"Jessie is in bad shape. They stopped the bleeding, but they say the next 48 hours will determine what will happen."

I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong. Besides I was all cried out.

"She will be okay, Bobby"

"Do you think so?"

"I know so. She is a strong woman and besides, I still need my best friend."

I was fighting back tears, once again.

"She loves you Eva."

"I know she does. Will they let you see her?"

"Not yet. Maybe in an hour or so."

"What about Robbie?"

"Robbie is still in a coma. They say the same about him. The next 48 hours, but they are concerned because his brain activity isn't normal."

I took a deep breath.

"He was just in a terrible accident Bobby. Robbie will be ok."


I turned to Whisper. I wanted to lie to her, but knew that she would find out the truth eventually.

"They don't know honey. He is still in a coma."

"He has to be ok. He just has to be."

She began to cry. Nora put her arm around her.

"What about the baby, Bobby?"

"I don't know. They took her from Jessie. She was past due anyway."

"She? You have a daughter?" I questioned, excitedly.

"Yea. I just hope she makes it."

"You listen to me Bobby Traverse. Your whole family is going to be ok. All of them. And when they are, you and Jessie and Robbie and his sister are all coming back to Maynard's Rock, where you belong."

I could almost feel him smile slightly.

"We will."

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